So my ex/soon to be baby mother is dating 2 weeks after our breakup. I don’t like I felt like she should’ve waited to figure out what we gonna do. But she is likes a dude who doesn’t wants kids and she says she might terminate our child for him. At the same time she’s telling me she wants us to work and we are still linking too. Im so confused and don’t know what to do or how to feel.

1 comment
  1. My advice, you’re in a very difficult situation. You need to take as good a care of yourself as you can. Put other things that don’t need your attention and things that place demands on you on hold while you figure this out.

    Keep the things that help you relax.

    Eat well. Sleep as best you can. Exercise.

    Stay present and clear headed.

    Reach out to friends and family that can help support you through this difficult process.

    Keep communicating with her and do what you feel is right.

    Maybe you can take sole custody, she can relinquish parental responsibility to you. Consider your options and don’t be afraid to get advice from a family lawyer, or someone that can help mediate between the 2 of you. A couple’s therapist perhaps.

    There should be resources in your area like family planning organizations that can help

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