Hi all throw away account, posting on my mobile.
So I female 31 went on a m31 from hinge, from the get go the chemistry was really good the attraction was there, the conversation was flowing. He asked me on a date and I was a bit nervous I turned up and he was really different in person more blunt not as articulate as his texts the attraction was there so I put it down to nerves we went for food at fancy restaurant and he was flirting quite sexually feeling my legs with his foot feeding me food from his chopsticks, seemingly things were going okay.

We ate got in the car he gave me a hug and we almost kissed but didn’t. I got home and recived the following text.

” Hey I think your very intelligent attractive and I’m genuinely very attracted to you sexually but I don’t think there’s a spark there, In an alternative universe I would definitely bang you”

I am fuming like wtf. I just needed to vent this has affected me more than I thought it would its so hard dating and finding someone to connect with and then when you doing feeling like utter crap.

  1. Translation: “I’m mad because my efforts to get you into bed lead nowhere.”

  2. Ew. Like, “you know what? Just go ahead and ghost me. I would prefer that actually”

  3. My man just wanted to get laid and you weren’t vibing with him.

    He isn’t looking at you as a long term partner likely because he’s bored and horny (and that’s how he looks at everyone as a result). He wanted companionship for the evening and to get his rocks off that night, you didn’t let him have that so he’s onto the next one. He knows you won’t give it up as easily as he’s prepared to put effort in so he’s moving on.

    >I just needed to vent this has affected me more than I thought it would its so hard dating and finding someone to connect with and then when you doing feeling like utter crap.

    I can’t tell you how easy it is to fake your way through a date if you’re mildly interesting or intelligent, I moved cities for a few years with work and spent a few weeks / months doing this in various places. I pissed a LOT of women off, and looking back it was pretty shitty of me. This isn’t a reflection on you, or something you need to take personally, it’s all down to him and his motivation and the way he chose to behave to try and get what he wanted (not something serious or long term).

    I imagine if you had slept with him he would have immediately gone cold, or eventually ghosted you when you wanted to get more serious. So really you dodged a bullet there.

  4. >I am fuming like wtf. I just needed to vent this has affected me more than I thought it would its so hard dating and finding someone to connect with and then when you doing feeling like utter crap.

    I mean…you’re 31. Dude was feeding you food from his chopsticks and feeling up your legs on a first date. That gave me the ick just reading it and I’m a dude.

    Clearly I am doing something wrong though, because I have no idea how this shit actually works? It’s downright creepy if you ask me.

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