My impression was that you need to ejaculate the sperm deep inside for pregnancy to happen? How screwed are we if my boyfriend thrusted just a few more times after he came and the condom fell off inside me?

If the sperm leaks into the vagina, can it actually get me pregnant?

Appreciate your help 🙁

Update: I took a plan b, thanks everyone

  1. If this has happened within the past 24hrs- Take a plan b pill immediately.

    Consult your doctor.

    In 2 weeks take an early result pregnancy test.
    *It doesn’t have to be “deep” for pregnancy risk to magically appear.*

    Penis in vagina = pregnancy risk.

  2. If this is the only kind of contraception you use, take a morning after pill as soon as possible.

  3. The vagina is the perfect place for sperm to be. Once they are there it’s only time before they head for the egg. It only takes one sperm to fertilise the egg.

    Get some Plan B if this is recent.

    In the early days of our relationship, my wife and I were making love and the condom broke. I noticed immediately and pulled out straight away. We quickly got dressed and went to the pharmacy, answered some awkward questions, got the Plan B and went home to finish what we’d started.

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