Does it seem like it’s less as you get older?

  1. No I don’t, but I think that is because I have conditioned myself not too. I can look at a lady and think, “She’s pretty” but then I remind myself she’s out of my league and that keeps it from going any further.

  2. Yes. I had a crush on the missus when I first met her. I kind of view crushes as “falling in love with the idea of being with someone” as opposed to falling in love with the *actual* person. So I wouldn’t say I still have a crush on her because we have been together for years, but I love her to death.

    When I had a crush on her, I was in love with all the things I *thought* she was or might be or things that we could be. Some turned out to be true, some not, and either way, I got to know her and fell into *real* love with her by actually being with her.

  3. I think I was about 20 or 21 when I had my last one

    Not sure why you stop getting them. I’d be interested to know why

  4. Not really. Might be because I barely get to socialize in person due to the pandemic making me rusty, but I mostly just get “she seems like a nice friend.” But it’s really hard to consider who I’d wanna date.

  5. I’ve obviously considered a number of women in my life attractive.. but, I can’t say I’ve had a crush per se since I was like 15.

  6. Occasionally. It’s certainly not as common or intense. When you’re young it’s this one overwhelming obsessive mess. When you’re old it’s kind of just like “Really? This shit is happening? Whatever.”

  7. Yeah, i had a crush on my fiancé. Before her I had a crush on a few other women. Whenever I’m single I get crushes usually. As for why, I don’t know. I guess it happens when I really want someone and they’re a bit of a challenge lol.

    Edit I’m 28

  8. I dunno what happened, but some sort of mental switch flipped when I was about 20, and I never again had any romantic feelings for a person I hadn’t yet had sex with. It was quite liberating actually. Made dating mentally easier, since my heart was no longer crushed when it didn’t pan out.

  9. Nah, I stoped having crushes a long time ago, if a woman likes me for me then that’s all I need

  10. Yea. At 25 when I started seeing my female companion, 28 and I still get sad if I can’t see her because I work late, or she leaves early.

  11. I would say I’ve only really had one proper crush and it’s never truly gone away. I was able to ignore it for years, but she came back into my life and although it took many months, it did come back. Really makes me question life choices.

  12. Haven’t gotten a crush in 4 years since I gave up the on ides of me being in relationships, simply because I am not cut out for them.

  13. I had a big crush on a co worker, and still do 18 years later, and I know she had one on me also. We even went on a cruise together for work, but nothing happened.

    We were both mid 30s at the time. She was totally my type, but I was married with a kid. I liked her too much to get together, because I’m not going to leave my kids for her. I want her to be happy with someone, and that wouldn’t be the case with me.

  14. I’m 63, just started dating a lovely human (in all ways) who is 53. Crazy physical chemistry and I think of her all the time and count the minutes till I see her.

    So, yeah, definitely. For me anyway

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