I will be sharing a dorm and wondered what people did when it came to masturbating in college. Was it easy or did you ever get caught by your roommate and what are peoples experiences? Like I also have a dildo but don’t think I would bring it up to college as much as I love using it.

  1. If your dorm doesn’t have shared showers, just so it in the shower. Or put a tie on the door, and tell them if they come to the dorm, and there’s a tie on the door, for their own sake, they should knock and give you like 5 minutes. If they ask why, just tell them that the tie means it’s either time for alone time, or you have a girl in the dorm. That’s what my roomie and I did, and it was only a problem one time all year.

  2. Assuming you’ll have a roommate(s)….talk to them. Seriously, sex, whether masturbating or with a partner, is a part of college for most people. Have a system to let the other know when you need alone time. I wish I had followed my own advice, as my girlfriend’s roommate and RA walked in while we were having sex…we were doing it doggy and were both facing the door. It was embarrassing and my gf could have gotten in trouble since i was there after 11pm.

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