Hello. We are friends and I just want to know if she is interested or not. If she declines my hangout and does not offer any date she is available, then I will assume she is not interested in me and won’t ask her out

I am still thinking about my approach on how to message my crush. Is it ok if I message her in chat like this “We don’t get time to talk individually very much during the ministry. I would like to have a chance to catch up more sometime.”

Or something like this in chat “Hey, I would like to have a chance to catch up with you soon!”

Or something like this in chat ” Hey, let’s hangout sometime soon. I would like to have a chance to catch up with you”

Any opinions or advice? Thanks!

  1. Just ask her out for a drink and say just two of you are going, or some random activity you can both enjoy,

  2. > Need advice on how to ask my crush for a hangout

    “Hey, wanna hang out?”

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