He is erected .. he is horny and the one who initiates sex .. he is relaxed so no performance anxiety and he enjoys our sex .. he acts so addictive to it .. but he takes looong time more than one hour .. the sex gets painful and boring and I keep saying to myself (please cum already ) the lower part of my body hurts so much .. like 3-4 times a day with a painful long session each fuckin time ..most guys I have been with lasted 15- 20 minutes tops .. I don’t mind the frequency I love sex sooo much and I have high sex drive but the time he gets to cum is the painful part

  1. Yeah, that’s way too long. Have you told him you don’t want it to go so long?

  2. Definitely talk to him about it! My partner lasts way longer than is comfortable for me, so I tap out and finish him off with a blowjob most times. Just be honest with your partner and let him know the sex is great but just becomes painful. Then stop him when it starts to hurt you.

  3. I have this problem from time to time. You should definitely let him know how you feel and let him know when you’re all set and done. He may be too desensitized and that is why he lasts so long. I found out if I stop sex and/or masturbating for a week and then start again afterwards, I cum much faster when I start again. I hope this helps. You both should be enjoying the experience together. Best of luck

  4. Some guys just take a long time to cum. It’s normal. I’ve been with several guys that would last that long. It just takes a little extra work. And by the way, awesome job on the 3-4 times a day! Keep it up. You just may have to switch it up between oral, vaginal and anal more often. Start with oral, switch to vaginal. If you start getting sore you can switch to anal for a while to let your oussy recoup, or go back to oral for a while. Just keep bouncing around so nothing gets too sore.

  5. Well this is called delayed ejaculation. First its not you at all please don’t blame yourself. There are things you can do. Before PIV watch some porn and caress him hand or mouth. Ask him to touch himself. This way you can see what makes him feel good ie speed pressure. The more stimulation before PIV less time. When he dose climax pay attention to what the two were doing. Hope it helps. Ps some men who drink have this problem after age 30 ish. Good luck

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