Me and my friend were really close for about 6 months, even though we had met almost 4 months before that where weren’t as close, and things were great with being friends with them. Although for the past 8 months we have not been close at all, we barely talk to each other and it’s been killing me. I miss them a lot. We stopped being friends most likely because we’re both really busy and dealing with mental health stuff, and we both got into relationships. I asked them last night if we could talk about what happened and to be honest I don’t know if I was too emotional or weird. I was straightforward and told them that I missed them and I missed talking to them and being their friend. They said they felt the same way and they had been upset from the fact we stopped being friends for a while and that we should start talking a lot more and staying in contact again and we still haven’t talked since last night and to be honest I don’t know if asking them about it was the right thing to do or if I should’ve just let it go. I don’t know I’m just confused and kind of worried that all I did was push them away farther.

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