Unfortunately I have tested covid positive.
I got my kids and husband tested and they are all negative!

I’m sure you parents may have experienced this… you know when you say something about being sick to someone and then all of a sudden your kid starts coughing and being dramatic like they are actually sick or wanting attention?

My fucking husband does this and it’s annoying 😑😑😑😑

After I tell him I’m covid positive all of a sudden he’s got a cough 😑😑😑😑
He is negative and was not coughing at all up until I told him my results… this morning I could hear that he was up, I peak out the room to see what he is doing and tell him my throat is more sore than yesterday… all of a sudden he starts coughing. I’m now back in bed and haven’t heard a single cough in about 30-40 mins lol

I know this is silly but I just had to share/vent.

Next time he does it I’m calling him out lol I’m going to ask him why when he sees me he has to cough back when I go to a different room he doesn’t???

Anyway, I have mild symptoms…
Sore throat
Blood in my phlegm
Watery tear duct

Mostly dreading not being able to give kisses or go to the gym…. Working out is my life outside of being a mom and wife.

  1. Lol! Sorry but you way you have posted that is quite funny! 😂

    Sorry to hear if your shit luck, I’ve escaped COVID, so far, some how. Wife and kids have all had it (and for the record, NO I DID NOT copy her!!!)

    Hope you feel better soon ❤️

  2. My son was sick before his school camp. We all got tested after getting negative RAT tests. Day of last RAT test he turns up positive.

    Over the weekend I am struggling. I took RAT tests, 5 one turned up positive.

    My wife just had a PCR test. She thinks she will end up positive.

    Living I. The same house. Small house. Winter.

    Expect it to transmit.

    I am as getting worse and worse. Tested three times negative

  3. I would just ignore him, he’s attention coughing because he doesn’t actually have Covid, so let him cough. Or when he coughs start patting him on the back hard and say oh do you have something stuck in your throat.

  4. I don’t put a lot of stock in COVID tests. The second time I had COVID, I KNEW I had it. Nothing in the world is like it. I got tested and test was negative. I had to have a positive test to not get into trouble for missing work so I had to go back and get tested again to get a positive test.

    If you test too early it’s a false negative. If its a self administered test and not done right, it’s a false negative. If the tech handling the test mis manages it it’s a false negative.

    And your body can in fact do that out of anxiety and it’s not always in someone’s control. LOL Although it is funny.

    Rest up and I hope you recover quickly and have no long term side effects!

  5. I wouldn’t say he is faking it for sure. You may have exposed him before you started having symptoms. I had a mild case with congestion, dizziness, fever and migraine. Despite being sick I didn’t feel sick every minute I had it. I would start to feel better and do stuff around the house and then feel sick again. I started showing symptoms on a Wednesday got my test results in Friday and husband started feeling sick Saturday.

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