What would your Top Gun call sign be?

  1. Aviators, at least American ones, don’t get to pick their own callsigns. Theirs peers do, and sometimes it ain’t pretty. Most are pretty normal but God help you if you do something dumb in training. That shit is permanent.

  2. In the Navy I saw the following call signs: “short bus”, “Hot coffee”, “Housewife”, “dream wedding”, “Batman” & my personal favorite “pizza guy”.

  3. Had a diabetic guy in one of our squadrons who’s callsign was “Sugar” if he ever screwed up we would demote him to “Sweet N Low” or “Splenda”.

  4. A navy female aviator got the callsigh “hulk” because she could bench 200 pounds. She was on TV for some reason later and wore more makeup than expected. She was thereafter known as “Revlon.”

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