I own a business and work crazy hours. Today was just one of those days where I felt overwhelmed. Wife and I were texting and I told her that I was having a stressful day; no response. I then asked if she was still waiting to be called (she was at an appointment), and then she replied. This happens often and I feel like I just can’t talk to anyone about it 🙃.

  1. That sucks for you and I’m sorry. A partner is supposed to be there for support and empathy, so not getting a response at all would crush me.

  2. Normally, she’s concerned and asks me about it. If she’s feeling bad, super down or had a bad day, the reaction varies a little more. Sometimes she doesn’t have the energy for it. Sometimes she turns it into a bitching session.

  3. He usually just nods and let’s me cuddle up to him. Quiet quality time together is all I need to calm down and cheer up. Your partner neglecting your needs is a serious issue and I’m sorry that’s happening to you. Really all you can do in this situation is try to talk to her about it, if nothing comes of it then you can start considering couples counseling or possibly reevaluating the relationship itself.

  4. Sounds like your wife is emontially unavailable for you brother.

    I’d be careful and look for other warning signs.

    Providing an encouraging and helpful text reply takes 10 seconds.
    Isn’t difficult.

  5. Women don’t want to hear about your problems. They want you not to have problems. Hearing about your problems will make her feel less secure.

  6. My wife might also have to vent but she listens and chills and if I ask for advice she gives it, otherwise she might offer to play a video game with me (ones she likes such as guild wars) or watch a bad movie like 6 headed shark attack, or she will offer a massage etc

    We got couples therapy when we got married so we could learn to support each other better, before we had any issues

  7. Not my so any longer.

    They would do whatever they thought would make me shut up the quickest, or start a competition about who had a worse day. It ended with a blow out fight where they admitted they didn’t sympathize/empathize with me at all. I was going back to university after dropping out 10 years ago, and super stressed about getting good grades. They just didn’t understand how that could be a stressful situation because “I was doing what I wanted to do.”

  8. Either there was no reaction or they started to just talk about their day. At some point I stopped to speak about my day and only asked about theirs. Later I stopped doing that as well.

  9. We always make sure to talk about our bad days, because we make sure to support each other even if it’s just a need to rant. I would definitely talk to her about this man, she should know that you need support too.

  10. Usually a supportive text. We will BS about it later. Sometimes she’s overwhelmed at the same time.

  11. Your wife doesn’t want to hear about how hard your day is. It makes you look whiny and weak. In general no woman you ever want to have sex with should ever hear you whine. If your wife fits that description then fine, bitch away, otherwise save it for friends.

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