Maybe this doesn’t go here but I didn’t want to risk going to health and getting banned or something

I recently did a large enema (with shower water yes ik it’s stupid) trying to clean myself of sudden constipation. Since then I’ve had severe cramping in my large intestine and diarrhea… It’s been almost a month since then and my symptoms have only gotten slightly better.

Someone posted a similar scenario here a while ago but never gave an update on if they recovered… Really worried I’ve permanently done something to my body I can’t properly recover from and well, hopefully you guys can answer quicker than the doctors I don’t have

  1. Try papaya enzymes. I once had a lot of trouble after using magnesium citrate and it fixed it. Also a probiotic.

  2. You might also still have constipation and be experiencing breakthrough diarrhea. Increase fiber, try miralax and use glycerin suppositories.

  3. Definitely try the probiotics but also have you really had diarrhea for a month?? How many times per day?? As a medical professional I’m worried you might be dehydrated at this point !

  4. I hate that they gave you antibiotics ugh.. probiotics and probiotics rich foods will help!

  5. I doubt a water enema could effect this change for so long! Especially given that you were constipated immediately before, I’m glad you have an appointment. Maybe try stool softeners next time?

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