What is the nicest compliment you’ve received in your 30s?

  1. The other week my team at work got a flurry of tickets for a project that I usually maintain and enhance by myself, though I don’t own the project. My boss divided the tickets up among the team. He said during a meeting that the clients specifically asked for me to do the tickets.

  2. This might sound cheesy. But it’s when I began giving compliments to myself about good qualities I have I wanted to remind myself of. I’ve spent my entire life hoping to hear affirmation words from others, especially in relationships, but just saying those to myself have felt the best.

    The specific compliment: I’m an honest person and I do not lie.

  3. I was wolf whistled for the first time the other day at work by a woman I get on well with, doubt she’s interested but it still felt nice

  4. “You’re a dapper looking dude” from a new guy friend.

    The funny thing is when I go on dates I always compliment the women but almost never get it back and when I do it’s perfunctory.

    Dudes should compliment dudes more, that all I’m saying. Y’all are wonderful gentlemen. 😎

  5. 7 foot tall gay man: your wearing my favorite color.
    Me: oh ya what’s that?
    7 foot tall gay man: skin

    We became best friends and I dated lady roommate for a year afterwards. .

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