Burger or pizza

  1. In America, you eat both at the same time. Super sized.

    For real though I think I lean burger if this is a debate.

  2. A good cheeseburger is one of my favorite foods. My order is always the same: onions, chili, mustard, and slaw.

  3. I feel like I can easily make a decent burger anytime but pizza takes a bit more skill and even after growing up in one of the best places to be a pizza fiend I’ll never get tired of it.

    Pizza wins because I can have that all its own and be happy. I usually want fries or tater tots with a burger, some kind of starch on the side to complete the meal while pizza itself is the meal

  4. I feel like I can easily make a decent burger anytime but pizza takes a bit more skill and even after growing up in one of the best places to be a pizza fiend I’ll never get tired of it.

    Pizza wins because I can have that all its own and be happy. I usually want fries or tater tots with a burger, some kind of starch on the side to complete the meal while pizza itself is the meal

  5. Depends what I feel like eating. Pizza is also something I’m vastly more likely to order than make myself

  6. Short answer: yes

    Long answer: pizza is way better. I actually don’t love burgers as its often so much bread/bun and not a lot of burger. I do love me some smashburgers though.

  7. Like is this a mid week dinner choice or more of a weekend decision? I tend to eat pizza on the weekends since that way I can have cold pizza for breakfast whilst i watch my cartoons. Im 31

  8. Pizza I can have on a weeknight, late at night, even breakfast, it doesn’t matter. I’m always up for it. No muss no fuss. Pizza is like baseball.

    Burgers are a heavier meal, so in order to enjoy it, I want to really savor it. This usually means I have them on a weekend during a cookout, or at a restaurant (not fast food). It’s not something I would have on a whim. It’s a bigger production. Burgers are like football.

  9. That’s a rough one. I’d have to say burger, but there would be a period of mourning for pizza.

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