What is the solution to birth rates being so low?

  1. Higher life quality and better medicine. If the births become rare, then deaths should become rare too.

  2. Incentives for new parents? More financial stability, paid parental leave, etc.

  3. Let it happen. There are like 8 billion people. It’s not as though we’re in danger of extinction or something.

  4. I don’t think any solution is needed, the world population is still growing exponentially, the lower birth rate is only in ‘some places’, mostly higher developed western nations, but the world as a whole is growing in population faster than ever. It’s not problem of less humans, but the distribution of said humans.

  5. Change the economic system so that it isn’t so difficult to have a child, and actually provide incentives for it.

  6. Good. We need fewer people having kids.

    In the US and other European countries, low birth rates will be supplemented by immigration numbers.

  7. It’s only a problem for people that think the economy can grow forever. r/ThanosDidNothingWrong

  8. Make raising a kid substantially cheaper or provide stronger incentives for raising kids and the birth rates would absolutely skyrocket without question. But I doubt this will ever happen.

    In East Asia, particularly Korea and Japan, there is an alarming decrease in childbirth across the country. Don’t get me wrong. The people there are still rabbits lol. But raising a kid over there is considered brutal and shockingly expensive. Most young adults have chosen not to have a kid there – it’s just not worth it for them anymore

  9. More immigration (relieve the population in places where it’s too high, to suplement where it’s too low).

  10. Lower population would mean a better quality of life for most people and be better for the planet… i dont see the problem.

  11. Make it affordable to be parents.

    Childcare for two toddlers is more than many individuals make in a year and a lot of people are struggling to make do as is even with dual income households.

    People struggling to imagine retirement can’t comprehend paying for college and don’t want to produce kids who will have to take on massive debt or be forced to trades with no options.

    People living paycheck to paycheck can’t just quit to take care of a baby and they have no paid parental leave.

    People want stability before having kids but can’t afford a home of any size.

    People who have insurance still can’t afford to just get prenatal care and go through a delivery.

    Shit people can’t figure out how to move out of their parents house at an age when their parents owned a home and were popping out kids.

    Seriously there’s very little incentive at this point. MAYBE you can manage one or two but above replacement level? Nah.

  12. It’s not a problem. So no solution required. Birthrates have been finding a natural equilibrium accross the industrialized world.

  13. Why should we stop that? its a good thing. great way to thin the population which is better for the planet

  14. Global birth rates have been declining but nowhere nearly fast enough; there’s 8 Bn people on the planet and if they all ate the typical western diet and consumed as much energy and resources we’d need 4.5 planets to support them. So either a lot of people remain in abject poverty and starvation, or the environment collapses…

  15. People are realizing raising kids in a world the way it is, is shitty and they smartened up about it.

  16. Turns out if you side with labor, realize we won’t survive another world war and aren’t a racist there’s not really a problem.

  17. Why solve it?

    Less people is better for all of us.

    Imagine our current tech level with half as many people consuming resources.

  18. Reforming the family structure, provide incentives for new parents, offer housing subsidies for larger families.

    This is all with the intent that in 18 years those children are going to become a new tax base hopefully paying back the investment.

  19. Keep not having children. We have over 7 billion people now and cant feed them.

  20. Kids are a major investment of time, mental and emotional capacity, and finances. If any of that could be relieved even a bit it might be more viable. But even then I wouldn’t want to be responsible for bringing another miserable human being to this planet.

  21. Why does it need a solution?

    I don’t want any more kids so there’s no way I’m going to suggest or force other people to have more kids.

  22. Nothing. It’s a by-product of a more modern society.

    I think if we had today’s freedom to make personal decisions and better gender equality 200 years ago, there would be low birth rates back then too.

    Did anyone really want big families back then or was it because folks expected to get married at a young age with no other options for their life? Then having unprotected sex during their most fertile years?

  23. Make a better world to be born in. Also don’t listen to the media. We could use a little less population right now.

  24. A low birth rate is a GOOD THING, our planet is overpopulated despite the birth rates being low, 8 billion people! 8 billion!!!!

  25. What’s to solve? We’re overpopulated as it is. So you want to add to the problem?

    JFC, smh

  26. You really want to raise birth rates? Take away education from women, studies prove educated women have less to no children. Now what does that say about those who breed like rabbits

  27. If people thought the world was improving rather going downhill they might be more willing to pop a couple kids out. So the solution is to make life better and give people hope of a better future.

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