What’s on your mind right now that you would like to share?

  1. Getting ready to work with a puffy face and barely any sleep after a hot bad hayfever night

  2. I just had surgery and Iā€™m nervous itā€™s going to fail and Iā€™ll have to have another one

  3. also would love to work in healthcare but feel Iā€™d be limiting myself and wonā€™t be able to be a writer as well

  4. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year, but today is much cooler. So I’m just sat enjoying the cold breeze coming through my living room window. Life is good. šŸ„°

  5. I have a binge eating disorder and I get depressed when it hits , but get happy when thereā€™s more snacks

  6. My love marriage that I was so happy about now involves abusive in-laws who Iā€™m trying to cut off contact with & my once adorable husband canā€™t make time to brush his teeth so I canā€™t kiss him.
    Iā€™m this close to being broke & itā€™s all a hell of my own making ā€¦ guess Iā€™ll try to sleep & not make any more emotional decisions ever.

  7. When defending men in a polite way after a user obviously insulted men as a whole in a german subreddit, Reddit accused me of using hate speach and warned me to never ever do it again. I reported the original comment against men afterwards but was told that there wasn’t any kind of hate against men and that I could block the user wo wrote this comment.

    I mean, seriously? I love and respect all kinds of human beeings. I was raised by my mother and her three sisters, so all I know and my view of the world was influenced and impressed by women. I always respected and treated women as equal.

    But nowadays I get more and more the feeling, that I am a suspect due to the fact that I am beeing a man. That annoys me so much and really makes me feel bad.

    I am wondering what the women of Reddit think about that…

  8. Trying to communicate with a bachelor, kindly severing ties because all he wants is ā€œfunā€.

    Update: avoiding communication with me

  9. It’s only 9am and my tolerance for today has already maxxed out. My heart is broken and it really hurts to the point I cannot focus on anything. I keep telling myself it will pass, this is just temporary but it’s not working I feel like I’m going insane. Everything I look at reminds me of him. Everything I read reminds me of him. Every beep or buzz of my phone I hope its him. Heartbreak is intense. I don’t think I’ve felt it like this before even when my marriage broke down.

  10. I think I’m depressed again. Except this time I’ve left my abusive childhood home. Now I’m just reeling from all the trauma and the obsessive people pleasing person I’ve become. I hate my job and I think the depression is going to ruin my relationship and I’m shit scared. I have therapy twice a month but it’s not enough. I’m afraid it’s going to get worse and I’ll end up wanting to hurt myself like I did years ago.

  11. My boyfriend said talking to me during the whole day would make him, “lose interest in me”. The fact that I am trying to be there for him as much as I can since he has broken his foot and then hearing these words broke my heart absolutely. I cannot help but think that I am a motherfucking stupid who is putting all that I can to make him feel better and yet he thinks like that. :’)

  12. My little brother is in the national guard and honestly I am afraid that his experience is ruining his mental health and normalizing toxic masculinity. He goes in tour soon and I am afraid I wonā€™t like the person he is when he gets back. Even more I am afraid that itā€™ll take him years to be able to healthy manage his emotions again after he returns.

  13. I wish the guy I’m seeing would just commit already!! I don’t mind being in a situationship because I’m not trying to get married tomorrow or anything, it would just be nice for it to be a real relationship. I’m holding back a little so maybe that’s why but I don’t want to give my all and get hurt again. Feels like a tough spot to be in. I feel lost in life too. I’m holding myself back on a lot of things because I’m scared and my comfort zone is such a safe space to be in. I kind of just want to cry. šŸ˜•

  14. Love just isnā€™t worth it sometimes. No matter how much you want to believe some things arenā€™t meant to be. (Work crushes suck yo)

  15. I’ve been thinking about how I may be on some asexuality/non-typical sexuality spectrum. I feel like I don’t have the same urges for sex like other people. I really only feel urges when I am dating/in a relationship with someone and when I am not it’s like I have zero urges for sex. People talk about getting horny, going on an app and finding a person to have sex with and getting on with it. Never had that. I’ve never seen a hot guy in a club and been like ok yeah, I wanna take that guy home. I can go ages without sex if I’m not seriously into someone because I don’t feel any sort of urge to have sex. I don’t really understand myself.

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