Hi guys, I have met this guy who seems pretty nice and I wanna hang out with him but I don’t know if I know him well enough yet (I am at high school btw) . I am in some of his classes and sit next to him in a couple so there I chat to him, I don’t chat with him otherwise as we each have our separate friend groups.

A good thing about this is I have thought of a reason to ask him to hang out with me as their is this thing we both need to do for a school project and I wanted to ask him to meet up and do it with me.

The problem is I feel like he is more “popular” than me so therefore I feel like he would not want to hang out with me , but I know that I can often be very self-critical of myself and quite insecure. It’s not like I’m unpopular or anything as I have good bunch of friends (I have 23 people I would consider friends as in people who may hang out with outside of school although I hang out with some more often than others). The reason I feel I’m unpopular is because I don’t play on any sports teams at my school and I know that he does and for some reason this makes me feel “inferior” to him (idk why)

Sorry this is a long post, should I ask him to hang out or should I wait/hang out with other people. If u think I should hang out with him how should I ask?

  1. Sorry if this post is stupid/ I sound insecure , I was just curious for other ppls opinions

  2. I say yes, you should! Hanging out with someone is HOW you get to know them better, so if you’re interested in doing that it’s the obvious next step. I was in a freshman college class 10 years ago when some guy I’d never talked to asked me if I wanted to grab food later, we hung out and he ended up being a really good friend of mine during that time. We still check in on each other from time to time even now, all because he decided to ask. Getting out of your comfort zone and asking this person will probably lead to him seeing you as someone who’s comfortable in their own skin, those are the type of people that make you want to spend time around them. I know people can be petty in high school though, so if he says no, so what? You didn’t embarrass yourself, you showed that you have self confidence. Dust yourself off and be ready to ask again the next time! The ones with the big egos are the ones that end up pushing people away over time, either way you have nothing to lose imho. Good luck!

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