Basically there was a conflict three months ago in which one person made false statements saying I had sad something when it NEVER happened. I woke up to a long text from their friend saying it was rude to say that, and was surprised cause never in my life had I said any of those things. I said I never did and they said “Oh oopsie ok thanks”. Hello??? You can’t just say these terrible things without confirming if I didn’t anything wrong and then say “oops”.

The person I apologized to told their friends I had said these things without even confirming and basically slandered me and my family out of the blue based on a whim.

Anyways after three months of no contact as we were super close I just texted them and apologized if I hurt their feelings. BUT I didn’t even do anything ????

Is it wrong to always apologize first just to salvage the relationship and be the bigger person?

1 comment
  1. u can do as you wish just do what makes you feel happy and makes you feel alright. What other people think about you isnt that important

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