I dated a guy for 3 months, but he was here on a temporary visa. Everything was great, we were really into each other. He was consistent and kind, and he had told his entire family & all his friends about me. Things seemed to be great.

But at the end of the 3 months, I really thought that was it because he lives so far away with a 10 hour time difference, and we had a lot of uncertainty about whether he was going to be able to move to the US (I would not marry him, that’s not an issue here). However, when I brought it up to him he said he wanted to do everything he could to make it work. He said he wanted to be exclusive, we would video chat every single day, and asked if I would go visit him in a few months. We would then figure out how he can come back to the US down the line (he had to figure out some immigration stuff). I agreed to go visit for about 10 days in august. We agreed to be exclusive & he’s told his entire family he has a girlfriend. He’s 36.

He has now been gone for about a week & a half. When he was here, he was working insanely long hours. Now that he’s back home, he won’t be working for at least 2 months. The problem is that while he does text me all the time, I feel like he’s already got excuses to not do a video call. Frankly, just texting isn’t enough with this long distance.

We had video chatted for about 10-15 minutes almost every day since he left. A couple days ago, I jsut didn’t hear from him all day & when he woke up he said he fell asleep. I said ok no big deal.

However, yesterday when I asked if I could call he said “my phone is on 1% and I want to shower. I can call you after.” It was 10am his time but 12am my time. I said I had to sleep for work and we could talk in the morning. However, I feel like he could have just plugged his phone in & talked to me for 10 minutes before showering. He had no plans that day.

In the morning 9am my time and 7pm his time, he said he was watching tv. No call then I had to start a meeting 11am my time. I told him my meeting was almost done. He then texted “I’ll call you before I go to bed.”

That’s it, I haven’t heard from him. It’s now 11pm his time and I’m sure I won’t hear from him until around 9-10am his time and he’ll say he fell asleep.

I’m a little annoyed. It feels like I care about the video calls more than he does. While I understand jet lag & being tired, I also have a hard time believing a 36 year old man passes out like that without being able to wait 10 minutes to make a call.

What should I do? Wait? Send a text saying “looks like you fell asleep again?,” or bring it up? Am I asking for too much?

Tl;dr do I bring up communication issues or wait, and am I asking for too much?

  1. No harm in addressing it. Just don’t be aggressive, accusatory or any kind of confrontational. Just “Hey I’ve been waiting for time to call you that’s something really important to me, could we make an effort to call more?”

  2. Would he be more willing to do regular calls? Video calls can be kind of exhausting, IMO.

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