I’ve come to realise that it’s dog shit. It doesn’t take someone with great social skills to realise that. Young heterosexual males this sub is not for you. If you really want to improve your social skills then actually go out and read books instead.

This sub is not for you trust me

I’m not going to argue with anyone just giving a wake up call to my fellow brothers

  1. Sometimes WikiHow comes to my rescue. On reddit it’s easy to get your mind overwhelmed.

  2. Agreed. You’re getting advice from other socially awkward people. Its not an advice sub, it’s an echo chamber.

  3. Yeah well if you’re spending most of your time on reddit, obviously you won’t have much success in the real world.

  4. This is people lacking social skills helping people lacking social skills. some of the responses are hilarious tbh. there is absolutely no way to learn this stuff than to be exposed to it, you cant learn to play guitar strings fluently by looking a tutorial.

  5. If you can’t love yourself nobody will love you. That’s half peoples issues here. They cite themselves as a failure but they aren’t. It’s their mind fooling them.

  6. what a weird argument. how about actually trying to specify or prove the actual points.

  7. I couldnt agree more. I’m only here for a good laugh. The only way to learn is to make mistakes and get better.

  8. I’m actually just fine socially and only here to read the funny or wholesome posts but recently all I’ve seen is people shitting on this sub because they actually expected it to make a viable difference to their social life lmao

  9. Social skills are a muscle. Got to get out there and train it. Everyone sucks at first but we all get better.

  10. Maybe the problem for most is overthinking and analyzing, that’s the opposite of being spontaneous.

  11. I’m socially adept, not on here for advice, but thought I could offer some and I apologize if I let you down, but I also agree with you: practice makes perfect.

    Being social is the best way to be better at being social. Get out there and fail. I did a lot of theater as well, and you don’t get good on stage by being off stage.

  12. Social skills boils down to practice. Getting out there and talking to people. I hope you have been doing that, because a sub or reading material alone won’t help you. They are only supplemental.

  13. “Hey, if you want to make friends, go out and meet people!” — average advice on this subreddit

  14. Well ye ofc.. ur not gonna get any muscle growth just by reading tips on how to work out effectively.. you need to actually work out

    I do see where ur coming from though, it can feel like you’ve accomplished something just by reading a tip when really nothing has changed until you apply it and practice socialising

  15. As someone who became a master at social skills I recommend just speaking to 5/10 women using trial and error it’s all trial and error get a notebook and trial and error it all started for me in high school when I asked literally asked myself if I wanted to be alone forever or get bitches then I began with fat chicks since the self esteem is low then as my trial and error got better I gained more confidence and started knowing how women work and I been married to a 10/10 for 10 years she actually went to my high school lol and I met up with her later and swept her off her feet in all aspects of life if you want to be good at something you can’t have fear just jump

  16. I feel like people on here are encouraging and that’s mostly what you need.

    I don’t see a lot of complaining

  17. I’m straight. Why is this place not applicable?

    Also, reading books doesn’t develop social skills.

  18. I’m totally disagree. There are users that actually on this sub to help out including myself.

  19. Wise people use this place is like a raft used to cross a river. Once they are across the river they leave the raft and move on with their lives.

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