
Thanks for taking time to read this.

I’m a 25M and called my introverted girlfriend (25F) of 3 months asking why she has been distant for the past few days and asked if she wanted talk about whatever could be going on, she said she wants to breakup. When I asked her why she said she felt we were different in a core way, but when I asked for further clarification she said she didn’t know how to explain it and her heart isn’t there. I accepted her answer and explained how I was confused because she said otherwise a few weeks ago (she also introduced me to her parents because she was confident in a future with me).
She eventually listed out some examples where her perspective was different towards certain things and it was the first time she ever mentioned these issues or thoughts. I mentioned to her that perhaps it’s a good idea to mention these perspectives, thoughts or issues near when they come up and allow for one person to adapt or talk about it or at least be aware. She agreed but still felt like our communication didn’t mesh. She also mentioned how she struggles to bring up issues and knows she needs to work on it. She still wants to still talk every once n a while, but feels like she wants an indefinite break.

I don’t know what to do right now…? I’m feeling heart broken and lost.

Was this relationship never going to have worked if she struggles with communicating her issues? Or should I try more?

Was me justifying and trying to explain myself pointless?


Girlfriend struggles with communicating issues until it’s bundled up and wants to call quits, should I continue to try with her or move on?

  1. Wasnt gonna be a successful and healthy relationship. If she keeps everything to herself for weeks or months and keeps dragging it on until she feels like saying it then I don’t think it would have lasted long. Her style of communication is just not healthy. I personally would never be able to be with someone like that.

  2. I would say maybe the parents had something to do with this break up. If she was confident one minute in the relationship and then she did a 360 turn around, the parents convinced her not to. She is a very introspective, it is sad because she has the ability to change her outlook on life. It is her loss.

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