So while I was working one of the horses got a little jumpy and kicked me I woke up the next day in the hospital but anyway I’m tired of laying around and I want to start doing stuff around the house so I’m not completely useless.
Also anyone know a comfortable way to lay with your gf while having a injury like this?

  1. Oh shit!

    Sucks to hear it…but I suggest you take the doctors orders on this one!

    Not worth delaying healing or re-aggrivating the injury

  2. Definitely something to discuss with your doctor but I would ask if simply short slow paced walks would be ok. As long it’s activity it can be beneficial but very very low strenuous activity.

  3. Strain yourself and you will have a longer recovery and possible long term problems. Your call.

  4. I hope it is ok that I comment here . I’m a post acute physical therapist and want to help . Rib fractures( fx) heal on their own only if you rest. Takes 1-2 months. They’re also very painful.Take pain meds and use ice. Unfortunately this is not the time to be active. However, there are certain exercises you can do. Are you in the US? Your MD can set up a PT to come to your home and show you what to do/ what not to do. I don’t mean to scare you, but the wrong physical activity can end up displacing the fx’d pieces and even puncture the lung if you’re not careful.

  5. Burpee’s, planking, crunches or jumping jacks are all great exercises for people with rib injuries.

    This is probably the dumbest thing I’ve read today. If that injury doesn’t heal properly it will lead to a lifetime of pain.

  6. Oh my god, the world will surely collapse if you won’t be active for a week.

  7. Can I interest you in some warhammer?

    Painting could help pass the time and is a great way to improve your manual dexterity, crucial in foreplay with the emperors daughters.

  8. Don’t. It’ll be made way worse, possibly permanent, and then you’ll really have a hard time staying active.

    Rest until it heals.

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