14m, I have no experience with little kids whatsoever. I don’t know how to act around them or how they will act towards me, i don’t know how to handle them, i don’t know the correct ways to respond or how to entertain them etc lmao. i have to do this for a week from 8am to 3pm for community service hours with a teacher i kind of half know.
the job description is basically to be an assistant for the teacher and entertain the kids (around 5-10 ages pre-k i think) although i don’t know how much of the work she will do. i’m really nervous because i’m obv supposed to be a role model for a week here and i’m LOST. i will have the teacher again next year and she is close with my sister, so if i mess something up i can’t really sweep this under the carpet. this starts in a day or so, please help 🙁

also, for the people that are going to tell me i shouldn’t have got myself into this in the first place and to just quit, my mom signed me up without me knowing because it’s 40hrs of comm service (my high school needs 100 to graduate) and i really don’t have a say in it. i only really got in because my sister has contact with her a month ago and it’s shitty to cancel a day or so before a week long schedule.

  1. It’s a daunting task but Youtube has some great educational videos on entertaining children. You can try easy craft ideas, show-and-tell, competion nap time when you’re tired, if you have some extra cash, buy stationery prizes (stickers, motivational stamps), sock puppets, play songs and videos…you got this. Your teacher will be there to guide you. You ever saw The Incredibles 2? Look at how Edna trained the youngest child to be her mini version dahling.

  2. Hi, teacher here! You got this!

    The teacher will not expect you to “babysit” the class, and you will not be put in a supervisory role or be left alone with them! It will not be your job to plan lessons or activities! If you are nervous about being put on the spot, just brush up on three or four simple action songs that you remember from your childhood, like Head & Shoulders, Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc.

    You will most likely be asked to be a friendly, active participant in class, and to help out with whatever the teacher asks.

    Participate in activities along with the kids in a way that models attentive, on-task behaviour. Kids that age love to have “big buddies,” and seeing you sitting respectfully on the carpet, following instructions and being a good friend will be great. Ask kids to show you how to follow the teacher’s instructions. “Is this how I put the scissors away? No? Oh okay, you show me!”

    She might ask you to take care of light clerical or prep work that will take pressure off of her, like putting together resource packets, putting new artwork on bulletin boards, or getting craft supplies ready. You will likely be asked to do a lot of handing out/collecting of materials.

    Do not have your phone on you. Scan to see if anyone looks left out or lost, and go see if they need help, or if they can “help” you.

    As for not knowing how to talk to them, ask about whatever character is on their shoes/shirt/backpack. Just keep asking questions and tell them you think it’s cool. 🙂

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