Quick context: Went from 220 pounds, ungroomed, and unfashionable dude to 164 pounds, well groomed and well dressed guy working a decent office job. Never had a GF before because of low self-esteem and OCD making me think I was unworthy of a GF. Still a virgin.

Anyway I moved to NYC and my experience here has been that most women just want hookups. I’m a genuinely good looking guy and have no problems finding interested women. My friends all tell me to not settle down or get in a committed relationship, that it’d be a waste because I have so much potential. And the numerous options I have is really beginning to make me question my myself. Do I want a long-term relationship? Is it better to fuck around for now and only settle down in my late 20’s?

I’m a pretty kind and considerate person. I keep a small circle of friends and invest in any friends I do have. I try making time to see them and I like to keep in touch. I wonder if I would get too attached to my first hookup, or if it would be a bad experience.

I have some dating experience but every girl I’ve ever dated seemed to just want something casual, no matter how sweet I was (which I found weird. I guess the bad boy character doesn’t always win?). Maybe I’m just not a fit for it? Or is it the fake it until you make it mentality?

1 comment
  1. wouldn’t do it tbh, I am in exact same situation but a woman also a virgin with body issues, it all just seems like a logistical nightmare + having to worry about super gonorrhea? no thanks, yeah it gets lonely but it’s better not knowing what i’m missing until i find somebody who isn’t going to leave

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