There’s this girl that I like that is in my drama class. Let’s call her Sarah. I’ve liked Sarah for awhile now but I don’t know if she likes me.

I decided to ask her friend if I should tell Sarah I like her and she said that Sarah told someone else that she likes them but their relationship isn’t going to work out because they’re an international student, but they still are good friends, so she said that I can tell Sarah if I wanted to. But I’m unsure as if I should tell her.

She is graduating this year so I probably won’t see her again, but I feel like it would be weird to tell her I like her just after she told someone else, especially because she didn’t get rejected, but instead their relationship won’t work out. I feel like maybe Sarah and this other person might be really sad they can’t be together and it would be awkward to tell Sarah I like her because of this.

Should I just let it go and not tell Sarah I like her, or should I. And if I should, how exactly should I do it? I feel like I have to acknowledge Sarah and this other person at least a little if I ask her out.

1 comment
  1. Dude, I once was walking out of the library to take a picture of the library building from the outside for an architecture project, and when I got to the door I saw this girl that I found attractive walking in to the library, she opened the door for me and I said thank you. I didn’t think anything about it, I didn’t think I’d see her again and didn’t think of approaching her until I came back into the building walking back to my study and saw her at the writing center.

    instantly thought to myself man, I can’t let this moment slip. I realized that I’d most likely see her again as I was going to go outside to sketch the library and judging how she came in from the same door that I was going to sketch at.

    So later while I was drawing, I saw her walking out of the library, and then instantly I thought to myself, well this is it! Go ask her out and see where things go, meet someone interesting possibly, or just don’t do anything and live in regret.

    Before I say anything, I’m not the most confident dude, I’ve only been in one relationship prior, and we’ll I already knew that my ex liked me. But this was a total stranger, so I was pretty nervous. But I remember that I told myself, I don’t wanna live in regret, as I missed some great opportunities in high school. And I don’t wanna look back in life and say, man I wondered what could of been.

    So I didn’t think about “what If” I just got the courage to do it. And that’s the key, don’t think about it much, don’t make it a big deal, cause then that gets you the nerves.

    I saw her walking while I was sketching and I said something around the lines of “ hey! What’s your name? (She saids her name) “nice to meet you (name)” well I won’t lie and I’ll just cut to the chase, I thought you were cute, and I was wondering if you’d like to hang for coffee sometime?” She was flattered and instantly said yes to my surprise!

    she seem really interested, and when I got her number, she asked me to type my number on her phone that way we wouldn’t lose contact which was a good sign. She sounded like a real interesting person, she was the first person I talked to studying zoology. Unfortunately, it ended up as a ghost text eventually, But my point?

    I never thought it be that simple, or at least I didn’t think she would be interested. You see we always play that negative result in our heads, because we’re worried we’d get rejected etc etc. but honestly it’s just crap that we over think. Yes rejection happens, but you don’t know if you don’t try. I’m telling you man. I’ve lost great opportunities, and regretted some stuff.

    Luckily I’m still young to fix things, and be more positive, confident, and take opportunities. Don’t live in regret. Just ask her out man. Tell her you find her cute or that you find her interesting, or spark up a conversation you have, and ask her if she would like to get coffee with you! And who knows maybe she will say yes! And if she saids no, atleast you will know! Please do it, it’s such a relief.

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