So I’m in highschool and there’s this girl in my class that I really like. We were in a group project and I felt brave enough to ask for her Snapchat, we’ve been snapping each other for a few days now but I’m getting some very subtle signs that she might not reciprocate those feelings back. Like when I asked for her snap she agreed sarcastically (saying that she doesn’t have Snapchat when I see she’s using it right now) but she asked if I had someone else’s snap. It felt kinda awkward.

Honestly, just before school ends I kinda just want to get my feelings out to her in person after class. I sometimes can’t take that feeling of uncertainty wether she’s into me or not. I’m not even gonna ask her out, just admitting to her that I like her. If she kindly rejects me I’ll be fine with that but I might struggle to stand up for myself if she’s rude about it, which I really hope doesn’t happen.

1 comment
  1. Mind you I asked if she played any sports and she said no without giving a follow up question, and I asked what music she listens to. So I’ve not been just snapping her

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