Parents of teenagers, what world-ending, infuriating crime did you commit today to warrant a hormonal tantrum?

  1. IDK man my son will be 16 in a few months and he’s just easy to get along with. His mother and I have always fostered very open communication with him, and I don’t mean “you can do drugs just tell us” but involving him anything about him, including punishment for misbehaving. Most importantly making it ok for him to be frustrated/annoyed with us and to tell us that (and we worked on constructive ways to communicate those feelings) and he’s pretty chill at this point.

    Kid freaking *cannot stand* me asking him about his day at school though. Like that’s definitely the bane of his experience.

  2. I’m lucky enough to be the one they don’t take they’re frustration out on. My wife, not so much. I guess their existence sucks so bad with smart phones, tablets, tvs, plenty of food, shelter, clothes, pets, etc… that they blame her so they rebel against every breath she takes. To be fair she sometimes acts like a teenager toward them too.

  3. we wouldn’t drop 20 grand for a ticket to a bts concert. we are clearly hitler.

  4. I told her to wash her car and clean out the inside….

    I bought it for her, I pay the insurance and repairs, I probably pay for the gas too (I suspect my wife gives her gas money)

  5. When they are a toddler, it is because they want you to draw a purple elephant and they give you an orange crayon. When they are teenagers, it is waking them up, later than usual, asking them to do one of their chores.

  6. LOL!

    I have that behind me fortunately, but I vividly remember the horrors.

    Teenagers don’t have a sense of perspective yet … their world basically ends once every few weeks (if not more often) 😉

    (Hormones and brain development, I know … it is a natural phase).

  7. I showed her that actions have consequences.

    She was spending too much time watching the TicTacs and taking Snapstagrams and not enough time being respectful and obedient. I asked her to wash all my laundry because that’s her job. I only see her once every two weeks, so by the time she comes out to see me I have two weeks of laundry piled up.

    I warned her that if she kept on watching the TickyTocky and not enough time cleaning my work clothes, she’d lose her phone privileges and wouldn’t be able to SnipSnap any of her boytoys. I didn’t want to do this, I explained, but I had to because she had to learn to do my laundry, and that pile wasn’t getting any smaller because she didn’t come out two weeks ago because of “school”.

    But then it was 4PM, Ashley and her new “boyfriend” Brad are coming in an hour, and Brayleigh still hasn’t done any of my laundry. She washed hers and didn’t even touch the pile of my work clothes I left for her in front of the washing machine. So – the consequences of her actions, you have to understand, I didn’t want to do it but I had to – I threw her phone into the ravine, then hiked to the bottom and shot it twice with my 12 gauge to make sure all the ghosts and demons inside were gone. Tough but fair, but try telling that to any of them.

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