I told a friend that I have always been there for that i needed them, missed them and was having a hard time recently. I asked them when they would be able to call or text and they said ‘not sure, my bf comes in 2 days and I’m working until then so not earlier than 2-3 weeks’. Some back story is she’s in a long distance relationship for the past 3 months this is the first time they are meeting if this makes a difference. I am extremely upset at this as I really thought I meant something to this person but to be told ‘yeah ill slot you in 2-3 weeks’ makes me feel worthless to this person as a result I haven’t replied to their message. I want this person to be happy but I also expected them to be there for me when I needed them as I’ve always been there for them. I need to know if I’m expecting too much from them since they obviously have a bf coming to visit for the first time. Any advice or opinions on this would be appreciated.

TLDR My friend reacted in a unexpected way when I basically told them I needed them. Looking for advice on what to reply to their message “not sure, my bf comes in 2 days and I’m working until then so not earlier than 2-3 weeks’ and what i can do.

1 comment
  1. Here’s a nice rule of thumb for situations like this: people don’t owe you shit just because you gave all of yours to them. If you believe that they owe you something, then it’s not a friendship, it ain’t love either, it’s a business deal, and in this case, one where you forgot to bring a contract to.

    If you feel this person has somehow failed you, move on, you don’t owe them shit either.

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