What made you stop following your dreams?

  1. The realization that all the dreams in the world and $5 will get you a cup of coffee. I became a realist at a young age.

  2. I found easier, more-fulfilling dreams, like getting a job in my field and my hobbies.

  3. Realizing that it wasn’t for me. I wanted to be a doctor and worked my ass off to get to university and major in Biochem, and then realized that I just don’t have the right personality for it. I can’t handle doing everything right for a kid and them still dying. It’s not in me. And I’m glad I realized it before I went further.

    Dreams don’t have to be forever, they can serve a purpose even when they’re not realized.

    I am so happy I didn’t follow that path. If I had I wouldn’t have traveled, met amazing people, been in the wrong relationships, or learned the things I did. I have new dreams now, and they’re grand too.

  4. My ex-husband. He did not want me to succeed or be successful in any way. He wanted me to always depend on him.

  5. Money. I got a day job so I could pay bills, but I don’t have any extra time to devote to my craft.

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