She broke up with me completely out of the blue with her only reason being “can’t see this working long term”. I haven’t lost feelings for her but she said she hasn’t loved me for a few months now but never mentioned anything to me.

She told me she thinks this is for the best and has her mind set. It’s not been long and I haven’t been coping the best but have started to calm down now and feel like I need a distraction.

I have never had alcohol and so don’t go to clubs and spent uni working from my family home.

Would it be stupid of me to have a one night stand?

And if not, are there specific apps for that which are 1) free and 2) not filled with bots. I didn’t want to use the likes of tinder through fear of someone I know seeing my profile, that would be my worst nightmare.

  1. Why would it be your worst nightmare to use a dating app that everyone is using?

  2. It would be stupid of you to rush into a one night stand. You’re emotionally vulnerable rn man. Take some time, let yourself heal. Stop worrying about whether or not she’ll find out you’ve moved on, SHE broke up with YOU.

  3. I know the breakup hurt you but better to have her break it off now than after marriage with kids involved. If you’re in the US, you would be paying child support and have to pay for your housing and food. In other words, you dodged a bullet. Spend fifteen minutes in r/deadbedrooms too.

    I wouldn’t have a ONS or start dating until you have gotten over your ex.

  4. It’s a tough journey but a lot of us have gone through this before. Best thing to do is to focus on improving yourself. You should work hard in your 20s so that you can enjoy your prime years in your 30s and 40s. Remember, men age like fine wine.

  5. Take it from some one who’s been there, done that, do NOT rush if you aren’t ready. It takes a loong time to detach yourself from someone who’s been there for years. Either the sex will go bad or if it doesn’t you will regret it after post nut clarity it’s all just a lose lose situation.

  6. No there’s going to be bots, but get out there.

    Moving on is complicated and everyone handles it differently, but there’s nothing wrong with hooking up! Just don’t misrepresent your intentions.

  7. Sometimes, things don’t work out. Instead of focusing on her, focus on yourself. If doing those things makes you happy, do it! I was in a similar situation, I took up kayaking and I got really good at madden football. One night stands are fun and all, I’ve had my far share, but worrying about getting a disease or some girl you’re not all that into pregnant aren’t. So the key thing you need to ask yourself right now is, What you need to do for yourself?

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