I feel like having someone talk to me is nice, but it have a hard time differentiating between someone who is just being creepy, or someone who is just have the best intentions for me.

  1. In my opinion, it’s when they restrict your freedom. Asking for quick answers, demanding things you don’t want to do, blocking your way and asking too much personal things.

    It doesn’t matter how introvert or different from the social pattern is someone, if they don’t respect your personal space and time, it’s a creep.

  2. Just feel the vibes.

    Are you genuinely interested in what they have to say?

    If their actions get weird or make you uncomfortable, then that’s a creep for you I guess.

  3. *Generally speaking,* someone creepy will either expect a lot from you in return, or seemingly nothing at all; someone who isn’t creepy won’t make a big deal of it.

    Someone who is creepy will try to control what you do; someone who isn’t creepy will allow you to do as you please.

    However, it’s important to notice the difference between someone dangerous and charming, and someone who’s desperate and obsessive.

    Someone who is dangerous and charming won’t seem objectively creepy at all, but will be abusive, controlling and will take advantage of you letting your guard down, because they don’t care what you think of them and are simply looking for someone to exploit; someone who is desperate and obsessive will appear or become more creepy if you take a dislike to them in the first instance than they will if you like them in the first place, because they’re just looking to be loved by someone and dislike being rejected.

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