If you’ve ever fallen out of love, what caused it?

  1. Girl constantly talking about all her one night stands and her walk of shames..

    Yeah.. that really gave me a bad feeling

  2. She couldnt be counted on or trusted; despite her words, her actions showed only ever cared about herself.

  3. Basically a slow grind of attrition as our negative qualities grated on each other. We briefly discussed solutions but nothing really stuck. Then we moved back to our home countries and I realized I wanted to stay home and not go back to living overseas.

  4. I realized that the things that attracted me to her before we got together were the same things I hated about her in a relationship.

    Primarily things like being flirty, suggestive, party girl type; I don’t put up with my ltr flirting with other people, and I don’t want to go rage 3/7 days a week.

  5. I was in love with a girl for years. She said something to the effect of “old people are worthless, a drain on society and should all be killed by 70” I have never felt love die so fast. It was like water being poured on a fire. (I love most old people, they’ve done enough to be taken care of, even if they can be cunts)

  6. One of my exes was always doing everything she could to not partecipate in things that i liked to do, always prioritizing going shopping or drinking with her friends. The end came when on a sunday morning, having preexisting plans of visiting an art show, she told me by phone that she had other plans, literally one hour before we had to meet. Instead she sent me her mother who apparently wanted to go to the show, so my ex tought of killing 2 birds with a stone.

    The worse thing is that she would always throw tantrums if i didn’t do (for valid reasons like having to work the next day) thing she liked to do so i would expect at least for her to reciprocate, and i’m not saying everyday but once a month? And by the way, if she just told me i would have gone with her mother (who was super cool and we had a nice day), instead she decided to lie to my face for days (she had already arranged with her mother days before). So i broke with her some days later, what a mess of a relationship.

  7. If you’ve ever fallen out of love, you gave up, at some point, on a dream you once had.

  8. His immaturity and uncontrollable anger. I tried to tell him that it didn’t have to be over forever, but you can’t force someone to change so I left

  9. The girl and I had no spark: no similar interests and strong communication.

    She was cold. I was cold. I found her physically attractive…and that was pretty much it. We just worked together well on a professional level.

  10. I’d like to say it was my ex wife’s infidelity, but I was trying to forgive her and work through it.

    But word got out that she had cheated…so she started telling people I was abusive to her and our children, which was a complete lie in order to minimize/exonerate her toxic behavior that destroyed our family. In desperation to save face, she completely thew me under the bus – and that did the trick.

    After seeing how ugly her true colors really were, I can’t believe I ever loved her to begin with.

  11. Realizing that I would never want them to be the mother of my children and I would never fully trust them.

  12. She was and still is very religious.

    We wouldn’t have been a good match.

  13. I was ok with my lady having a girlfriend because id get to enjoy her too, cause i did love her, but when she said she needed more sex and wanted to have men come over and fuck her while i was at work and then when i come home and have a good meal and things… id get to have her too.

    Well that told me that she would never work and that also told me that she would have any and everyone around and id be fucking a loose nasty pussy every night.

    I bailed and have been doing good ever since. Our chlid now lives with me too lol.

  14. She was headed to college in less than a month, and after I said “we’ll be able to find time for each other” she said “thats the thing, well have to find time because college is my priority and i wont make time for some boy.” Got my favorite flannel back and now I’m enjoying being single, its cheaper.

  15. Exhaustion on both our parts. She was constantly tired and at her worst. I was frustrated that we didn’t date or anything fun anymore. Without the infatuation I wasn’t patient with it anymore. Probably not a good sign for any future relationships.

  16. After she left I realized all the reasons I wouldn’t be happy. Lack of reciprocity. But damn, we clicked so many places.

  17. Using me as her emotional punching bag whenever she wasn’t in a good mood or felt under pressure.

    She crossed the line from sassy into nasty on a regular basis, especially if you tried to have fun with her about it.

    Never knew which version of her I was going to get and didn’t want the hassle of having to check her attitude on such a regular basis, it felt unstable and childish.

    Realised that sort of relationship would grind me down to nothing eventually, regardless of how much I liked her.

  18. When I realized I was putting more emotional effort into the relationship than she was, in an attempt to compensate for her.

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