I (25M) am looking for some advice on my current situation. There’s this girl (20sF) I’ve been seeing at my local gym for quite some time now who I’ve developed a crush on. I frequently catch her watching me in the mirror when I’m working out so i think maybe she has some interest in me as well. I know the gym certainly isn’t the best place to do this, but i would really like to approach her and give her my number to see if she’d be interested in chatting sometime. Does this seem like a good idea given the circumstances? Thanks everyone!

  1. As long as you don’t interrupt her workout it’s fine, I’d say approach her on her way out of the gym.

  2. Is she watching you in the mirror because she wants you, or because she noticed your interest in her and she’s keeping an eye on you?

    Most people do not go to the gym to pick people up. Tred carefully.

  3. If you find yourself working out or using a machine near her, make a quick comment/remark. Doesn’t have to be about her, just something general. Keep it light, don’t go in with the intention of holding an actual conversation. You’re just doing this to test the waters. One or two sentences and then you leave.

    Based on the response you get, do the same thing the next time you visit the gym, but this time maybe sprinkle in a sign of interest (eg. “you seem pretty cool, what’s you name?”) and take it from there. Avoid bee-lining to her or interrupting her mid-lift at all costs. You want it to come off as casual as possible, like you do this with everyone at the gym. Good luck my man.

  4. When I go to the gym I’m immediately in a more self conscious mode and focused, I’ve been approached a few times but I tend to not realise what they were doing until I get home lol. Gym is an iffy place for most women, we tend to get know it all’s or creeps approach us mid work outs, it’s not the best place to meet.

    Trying to talk to her on the way out or in is probably best. But I’d even strip that way back and start with a smile and just a simple hello next time you make eye contact.

  5. No no no

    You can’t help but look at people reflected in a mirror it’s a weird impulse.

    Don’t hit on people at the gym especially if you haven’t even said a word to them before.

    Why would she want your number when she knows nothing about you except that you stare at her in the gym???
    Girls don’t want to date strangers!

    Work and the gym are a big no no.

    Do you understand how off putting it is to go back somewhere where you know you rejected someone who is going to be there? It’s the most nerve wracking feeling and half the time you don’t end up going back because you don’t want to feel uncomfortable.

  6. Don’t approach a woman in a gym. Let her approach you. Outside of the gym is different. You might end up on a Youtube video even if you’re just doing something innocent like asking her out.

  7. Personally, I’d hate it if someone approached me to hit on me during a workout. Maybe try to catch her as she leaves the gym?

  8. Go for it! Start maybe by saying hi when you walk past her. If she has noticed you before it wont be that weird. It doesnt have to be a whole conversation in the beginning. If she says hi back, say hi again next time you see her at the gym, and after some time of doing that, if she appears interested (smiling,body language) when you say hi to each other then you can strike a conversation.

  9. It can be tricky since you don’t want to make things weird if there’s no interest and you two still see one another all the time but I don’t think you should completely brush aside the idea.

    What I would recommend is to either catch her as she’s leaving or in between sets or a new exercise and say something along the lines of “hey, I see you in here all the time so I wanted to catch your name.” If that leads to a back and forth where she seems to want to talk to you and is showing positive body language, then maybe you ask her out to something simple. If you can’t read the situation well enough, you can always go your separate ways after your brief conversation and then see if she initiates with you in the future with things like waves, eye contact, or further conversations. If that happens, maybe then you suggest something together.

    A lot of people will tell you to never talk to girls at the gym but we’re all just people. Maybe you want a partner that values fitness and the gym is where you find those types of girls. Just be respectful and you’ll be fine. At the very worst, she shows no interest and you both walk away knowing someone new that you may or may not have future interactions with.

  10. Gym is basically a no-go. I would leave those women alone in there period. Even if they’re staring in the mirror. Probably means they like the way you look & nothing more

    Now if she keeps putting herself right next to you, smiles at you, makes actual eye contact face to face, especially more than once that’s different

    But if you’re gut is telling you something, you should see if she even wants to talk to you first. not just hello, here is my # lol

  11. It is an absolutely AWFUL idea to try to open and close an interaction within a few sentences at the gym

    If you’re interested, try being social just for the sake of being social and see how it goes

    You THINK you would like to get to know her better just based on looks alone, what if it turns out after 2-3 chats that she’s an asshole

    Obviously I’m exaggerating for the sake of an example but hopefully you get my point

    You’re not at a club, you’re at the gym, if your entire premise for talking to her is “I find you physically attractive let’s chat” it will come off way worse because of the setting

    The next time you run into her (like sharing a machine or working out right next to each other, not you running over from one side of the gym to her) you can just acknowledge that you’ve seen her and see how she responds

    “Hey, I’ve seen you here before we seem to come at roughly the same time”

    And just leave it at that, her response will tell you all you need to know, if she wants to continue talking she will

  12. I’m in a self improvement group on discord. Part of self improvement is overcoming a useless fear such as approaching girls. You’re gonna let strangers on the internet tell you not approach a woman? Guys share their gym approach stories all the time and most of the time they’re successful. It’s usually only when they notice the girl looking at them a few times.

    Look at the way people are dressed at the gym. You can’t tell me they don’t want to be noticed. Approach while she’s at rest or as she’s leaving.

    You’ll never know if you don’t try. If she denies you then just leave it at that and continue to hit the weights. Someone is going to appreciate you for it. You can at least walk away with the fact that you proved to yourself that you had the balls.

  13. Could you approach her with a platonic offer? Like to help her with spotting/position or something. If you get a feeling she’s into you, you might very well be correct. This opens the door without making things awkward if she says no 🙂

  14. I mean it never hurts to ask, ~~but don’t act surprised if she rejects you~~. Actually try not to think about it at all.

  15. Please. Gym is a fine time. Just like any. Not sure why everyone is against it. Just find her at the end or when she’s leaving and do a quick run up.

  16. Nope. Not a good idea. You have no idea if she’s watching you or not.

    Girls really don’t like to be bothered at the gym. Leave it be.

  17. Op, Look I believe you shot yourself in the Foot by asking a question like this in a form that contains mostly introverts of course introverts are going to say don’t approach. If you search the history of this subreddit you’ll find that there’s is never a good time to approach.

    Trust your gut. Do what the guys you know in person that are successful women do. **I guarantee you there are guys in your gym hooking up with girls they met at your gym. Don’t let this sub Reddit fool you.**

  18. Let’s face facts, it all depends on how much attraction they feel towards the guy.

    There’s so many videos floating around TikTok where women approach their gym crush, but you dont wanna give this guy the opportunity to do the same?

    That sounds a bit sexist and hypocritical to me.

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