What are you doing to become stronger physically and emotionally?

  1. There is no one answer to this question as everyone has different needs and goals. However, some things that may help include regular exercise, proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, stress management, and positive thinking. Additionally, therapy or counseling can be beneficial for emotional strength.

  2. I am working out regularly and eating a healthy diet to become physically stronger. I am also working on my emotional strength by practicing mindfulness and meditation.

  3. I’ve committed to attempting a marathon for the first time in October. I did set a PR for a Triathlon a couple weeks ago, so I’m feeling pretty good for it, but I’m going to be spending the summer concentrating my training on being ready for that.

  4. Deff been hitting the gym 3-6 days a week for the last 2yrs. Not to loose weight but to gain weight as I’ve always been on the leaner side. Which has always bothered me (until now since getting on TRT and lifting/eating)

    Emotionally, not there yet but will be in the next year once I get through my divorce. More info about that on my post on here if your interested check that out.

  5. Physically, I’m exercising daily. Running, hiking, and weight lifting.

    Mentally, I’m seeking therapy to heal from my trauma and I’m finally taking care of my mental health and making decisions in my life based on what will be good for my mental health instead of ignoring it.

  6. Treadmill 2-3x per week. Free weights 2-3x a week. Started and finished two audiobooks (while working) on relationships, and binged “Where Should We Begin?”. And that’s just this month.

  7. Fasting, quitting alcohol after Fathers Day to look buff AF for my family trip to disneyland, reworked my workout program for current goals, walk to books on tape, or some encouraging podcasts

  8. The last 3 weeks, I’ve been walking in the park until my feet hurt too much to continue. 5.5 miles, 7 miles, and today 10.5 miles. Physically I guess I’m getting stronger or tougher, emotionally not so much. There’s a small chance I’m just doing this to hurt myself and not for my health or whatever. Idk. But being alone with my thoughts and developing joint pain for 4 hours is not fun.

  9. – therapy

    – meditating

    – journaling

    – CrossFit 5-6 times a week

    – walking for an hour every day

    – learning to be happy with myself

    – not going on the internet

    – doing more stuff on my own

    – accepting that my family is human and I love them, but I do not want to be a insecure narcissist like them

    – doing the “plate method”

  10. I’m sorry to tell you this but workout it’s the best thing that you could do.

  11. Physically: strength training

    Emotionally: don’t know, just bottling everything lmfao.

  12. Physically. Relatively strict diet of meat, beans, and veggies. Working out more, using machines to build up my pullups, ive never been able to do them. My fitness coach said that the best way to lose inches off your waist is to activate your posterior chain so almost all of my workouts are back shoulders glutes and legs.

    For my mental health I’ve really gotten back into my hobbies. I build model kits in my spare time, play video games and even do 3-D modeling and printing. Doing things you love almost always helps improve mental health

  13. Set some goals, and I recommend physical goals at first. Let’s say you’ve never run a mile, make that your first goal. What this does is *physically* improves your fitness while *mentally/emotionally* giving yourself a “win”. Like a snowball, roll those wins into a new physical goal. You don’t need to separate the physical and the emotional all the time; they’re quite interrelated.

  14. Not depending on others to make me happy or feel better. Depend on myself!

  15. See username.

    Takes a lot of physical and mental toughness to spend hours sufferring with only the voices inside your head for company.

    You learn a lot about yourself.

  16. Physically: straying away from bodybuilding and doing more CrossFit (my shoulders and knees have been killing me)
    Mentally: staying so busy I can’t think about anything 😀

  17. Physically: Workout

    Emotionally: Understand what the purpose of emotions are – to suggest changes according to current circumstances, not to make decisions. Also understand that emotions are in our control. If the emotion suggests a path to a bad outcome, disregard it/get over it, the suggestion is not in your best interest.

  18. Not really doing much to get stronger physically. I am eating less than I used to, but that’s more because I’m too lazy to go shopping as often, and if I don’t eat as much, I don’t have to shop as much.

    Emotionally, I’m going to both one-on-one and group therapy, and also trying to get a job so I feel like I actually have a monetary leg to stand on.

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