How much should they be making? What kind of house should he be living? What resources do they have? Routine?

  1. Whatever the 2022 answer, it is light years different than a 30-year-old man forty years ago, a hundred years ago, five hundreds years ago.

  2. Wake up. Existential dread. Get ready for work. Commute. Work. Clock out. Commute. Watch porn and play video games. Sleep. Repeat

  3. There are too many shoulds in this post. Your head is full of spooks, man. What do *you* want for yourself in this life?

  4. Get up early and heave yourself out of bed

    Check email for histrionic messages from crazy boss

    Try to workout for 5-10mins

    Eat a hearty breakfast of instant coffee and dry toast

    Feed the cat

    Drive your underpowered shitbox to your life-sucking underpaid cubicle job

    Look up memes on iphone during your bathroom breaks

  5. My life is not typical at all but I am in my low 30’s. My wife is the bread winner and does most of the traditional working. We have 2 cats and a dog. I spend my time focusing on my hobbies/passions. I’ll do the occasional job for extra money. Wedding photography or some portrait stuff. I’ll prob go back to the working world soonish. I used to be a teacher but did not enjoy that career path.

  6. There’s no point past which you can’t still work to become the person you want to be, and nothing about that should be influenced by what other people are doing with their lives. “Normal” is usually just a lack of ideas.

  7. Weekdays are mostly dull – wake up super early, chop down the morning wood, get some exercise, work from home, run errands during lunch break if needed, chill out after work in some fashion, make dinner, get to bed early.

    Weekends – take care of cleaning, groceries, laundry and other chores, find things to do to get out and about. There are usually events of interest taking place near where I live this time of year but this weekend is an exception, so I will probably walk along the river for several hours this afternoon and go shopping for vinyl tomorrow.

  8. There really isn’t an “average”, everyone’s life is different. But here’s mine:

    – Work 40 hours a week, sometimes more, sometimes less
    – Do household chores
    – Gym 3-5 times per week
    – Hang out with friends/family on weekends and the odd weekday
    – Spend time with partner
    – Watch TV and play video games

    And that’s it really

  9. – Just finished the masters degree in March. Feeling mentally tired.
    – Changed the job because of a toxic boss and work environment.
    – Fighting everyday to get rid of some toxic behaviors, such as hanging for too long on my phone, eat unhealthy and not doing any sports.

  10. There’s no answer to this question. Stop comparing yourself to other people and what you think you “should” be doing/have accomplished by now.

    Instead, think about where you want to be in your 30s. What _you_ want. Then do it.

    There’s no check list in life. No quests to accomplish or certain targets to hit.

    It’s your life. Its about whatever you decide its about

  11. I’m 31, retired. Live in a 2400 sqft 2 story house with my wife and 2 kids. Wake up, cook breakfast for the kiddos, take them to school, gym, home and shower breakfast, random projects/hobbies or gaming, lunch, nap, pick up kiddos, do something with them, cook dinner, baths, tuck in. Hang with wife until bed.

    I’m basically a stay at home dad except I have money.

  12. Your 30s is a weird age where nothing is that surprising. Going to jail. Getting married. Getting divorced. Getting sick. Getting a a great job. Becoming a millionaire. Having a kid. You name it, it generally can happen in your 30s.

    So there is no meaningful average here. Just pursue what makes you content.

  13. Wake up about 5:30-6am. If I am working remote I swim at my nearby gym for 30-45 min.
    Shower, breakfast, news
    I’m hybrid so commute or fire up the ‘puter
    Lunch, toss the frizzo for the dog.
    Leave work
    Quick hour of housekeeping if needed or chill for a bit usually hit a bar one or two days a week if the guys are around
    Make dinner
    Usually I read or play video games for an hour or so while I digest before I go to the gym for 8:30-10 workout. Once a week play hockey w some friends
    Usually pretty tired when I get back, read or watch something until I fall asleep
    Same thing the next day.
    Produce. Breed. Consume. Die. -some line I read today that has stuck in my head in an itching way.

  14. I’m 31. I’m in the US Navy, I make around 85k/year. My career is probably the biggest source of stress and hate in my life; but also I’m incredibly proud of all the work I do. I own a house in a decent neighborhood. I have 1 roommate, a dog and a cat. I’m divorced. I like being in the mountains or desert, rock climbing, camping, hiking. I also enjoy reading bad sci-fi and cooking. I don’t go out much since I’m saving money for house renovations (just started the guest bathroom). Recently into gardening, I have 3 big planter boxes, a lemon tree, and an avocado tree. I’m starting college in the fall as long as I don’t shit the bed on the SAT and ACT.

    I work rotating shifts of 10-14 hours for 7 days straight so my schedule is pretty weird. Wake up, work out, shower, go to work. And I pretty much don’t do anything else during my work week. “Weekends” I’ll go to an event with friends, meal prep, and clean the house. Any spare time goes to projects around the house.

    Am I happy? I guess. I don’t think I know what being happy feels like anymore. I’m not sad, but it feels like there’s gotta be more to life than this.

  15. Honestly, if he owns any kind of house at all and is still willing to share it with today’s woman he should be considered a catch…

  16. It’s hard to answer this with broad generalizations of the male population, I know for me I live comfortably at 31 but my comfortable and a different guys comfortable may be completely different.

  17. Man. Don’t ask this. I don’t want to read about people doing well when my pants are so worn that my balls are falling out of them.

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