How do you handle wanting to go on a date with a girl but wanting to be more than friends but her not being ready for that?

  1. Wanting to label something as a relationship before the first date is way too soon. I’d be on the same page with her.

    Several dates in? Usually by that time if I still want to go on dates then I’m ready to label it. If I’m ready and she still doesn’t want to then we’re looking for different things so I’d move on.

  2. I respect her boundaries and don’t expect anything more than that by just being a friend

  3. You respect her wishes to be just friends, but you also go out and explore the dating world to your liking. If she is not ready for a relationship then she cannot dictate what you do in your dating life.

  4. Stay friends with her and date other people. If she comes round, great. But if she doesn’t, you’re not missing out.

  5. If i was looking for a relationship and the other person wasn’t then I would simply move on. I would
    be okay with being friends but I would also accept that this person may never want to be in a relationship with me and nothing i can do will change that. I feel it’s better to spend my time and energy with someone who is looking for the same thing as I am

  6. You wait. If and when she is ready, you’ll be there. If she never is, accept it and move on.

  7. Her not being interested is not her “not being ready”. That’s just wishful thinking on your part. You either ask her out and get your answer, or start getting over it. You don’t hover around for months on end hoping she’ll become attracted to you.

  8. Move on and date someone reciprocating.. if all else fails the other might see you as viable.. either way, doesn’t matter, be you and be happy.. pining over someone only leaves splinters in your ass

  9. Lost cause, move on. If youre not sexual with her, you are basically “one of the girlfriends”. Dont friendzone yourself next time. If you see her due to situational circumstances like work or school thats different. Outside of that, its all on you. Make sure you present yourself how you want her to see you from the beginning next time. If you act like a friend there is no sexual tenstion, key word “tension”, that thing that makes you both very aware you are sexual creatures, excited yet nervous and your pulses race. Comfort kills sexual tension. Present yourself as a friend and you will not create sexual tension, instead you create comfort to the point you friendzone yourself. This is not black and white and there will be exceptions.

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