No judgement here please but have a legit question. I’m 27, my bf is 38 (again no judgement, quite aware of the age gap and I love him for it). We’ve been together for over a year a half and have a lot of sex. I’m talking at least 3-4 times a night within a few hours, 2-3 every morning, etc. Last night we had sex twice within two hours, we went to try for a third and within 5 minutes he couldn’t stay hard anymore. This is my first time being with someone his age and he assured me it wasn’t me, that’s just something that starts to happen with guys his age but I’m taking it hard. I definitely don’t want him to feel bad about it but I’m taking it pretty personally like it was me and he wasn’t attracted to me. Like I said we’ve been together a year and a half and this has never ever happened before. Guys around this age can you weigh in please.. is that normal for a guy his age? Not judging at all and I don’t blame him and don’t want to make him feel bad, I honestly just don’t know and feel like he isn’t in to me now. Help😕

  1. You’re overthinking. Is there any other incident in your relationship that led you to this conclusion?

  2. Yeah sometimes it doesn’t want to rise.

    You already had sex twice that night; he’s obviously into you. There’s no reason to think it’s you.

  3. I would wager the overwhelming majority of men couldn’t have sex that often even if the desire struck. At that rate you have sex more in a week than the vast majority of people do in a year.

    It’s not only normal for a guy his age, it’s normal for any guy on the planet. Just for reference, by the numbers you’ve given in the last year and a half with very conservative guessing you’ve had sex well over 2000 times at the rate you mentioned. If his penis didn’t want to play 1 time out of THOUSANDS I wouldn’t panic.

  4. From experience, I don’t think age is the issue. Mind, under the influence, environment, can all be factors. I hope you can narrow down what the issue is. It could be that he is just exhausted LOL it sounds like your keeping him pretty busy in an amazing way!

  5. >like it was me and he wasn’t attracted to me.

    Is this something you worry about a lot generally and have struggled with a lot in life? About how how attractive you are, and worrying that you’re not good enough?

  6. 36M here – definitely nothing to worry about.
    We could be on our second go of the evening and I could be really enjoying everything in the moment but my penis is like that SpongeBob “Aight imma head out” meme. Can’t explain it really but it’s a rare occurrence.
    If you’re managing twice a night without it being a problem, I wouldn’t worry about it.

  7. Its probably running on empty. At some point the little guy needs a break.

  8. > Last night we had sex twice within two hours

    That in and of itself is remarkable at any age! The fact that he couldn’t go a third round is totally understandable. Prior to discovering pot, my refractory period was close to 24 hours and that was back in my twenties. I’m 57 now and have close to zero refractory period when I’m stoned.

  9. No bad questions. Men have 0 control over their erections. Count yourself lucky it worked every time until now.

  10. It’s nothing personal. Yes, as men get older it’s harder to get and maintain erections. Some men get this in their mid 30s to start. There’s also probably a mental aspect to it. Like he might be trying his hardest to get hard for you but is a little anxious about his age and trying to get hard.

    My suggestion is to pivot to some hands / mouth play instead of always needing his penis to come out. Might be a good idea to let him take a break a bit.

  11. Well… hats off to him, that is actually impressive stamina at any age.

    For reference, in my prime I could fuck for hours, but I’ve only ever had 1 finish in me for the day and it would be so strong itd take me out of the game. Some guys who pop in ~5/10mins have a shorter refractory period and can bounce right back.

    Certainlt not a problem either way. If ur still hungry for more after these marathons, maybe shift from his dick to other methods like toys and oral.

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