Well, I am a (23)F and I have been dating this guy (27)M for 3-4 months now. We met casually at his work place and since then we hit it off.

First two months we talked non-stop, he texts everyday, calls me morning and night, makes effort to take me out on decent dates, met a part of his family and everything was perfect.

Until just last month, he changed 180 degree. Literally. No more dates, no more calls, he doesn’t even reply back to my texts. He just calls me like 5 minutes at 11:00 pm telling me he’s back from work and needs to sleep.

Problems arised, because he had a very long relationship before me (7 years) and the relationship was good, but ended badly, and he was about to propose to her. I got mad about some stuff from his past and confronted him that I am just a rebound, and that he likes me but loves her, because who gets over a 7 year relationship in two years? Also, when they broke up he wanted to remain friends with her because he couldn’t lose her and a part of him doesn’t want to let it go.

I nearly beggin to beg for love. I blame him for not texting back, for not taking me out on dates, for not making an effort, I blamed him for everything that has changed.

I got no response, just a “it’s all in your head’.

Yesterday I was with him, and I asked the question of, “what are we?”. I got a blank face and no answer. Then I asked again “what are we?” With a tear, and he looked into my eye, kissed me, then we had made out.

When I ask him do you love me, he says yes, but why can’t I feel that love? Why can’t I hear it, or see it?

What’s going on with that guy? Why my heart feels heavy after it used to feel so light? I am so confused, heart broken and angry.

  1. I’m so sorry for you. This sounds like a married man who relationship may be over but not final. Or they are close still. Men are stupid and pass up on great women when they are stuck with another. Never understood it

  2. Seems like after the blame bullshit hearing from you he doesn’t really have nice feelings to you anymore.
    You should move on, and the next tome try not to screw up relations with the next guy

  3. we just can’t love someone, love isn’t a switch, it just happens. it looks like he still has feeling for his ex but don’t know…..

  4. What else changed? You’re saying you were peas and carrots then next day just not? Possible but not probable

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