
Sexology and sexual education have always been big interests of mine, and now I’m planning on moving into teaching sex ed myself.

While I do have many themes and questions in mind for covering, I would like to get some ideas and suggestions from others. I want to know what you want to know.

This will not be an AMA.
So what would you like to ask or learn more about at the current point in your sexual journey?
What do you wish, you had known earlier?
What do you think young people today should learn (more) about?
Anything else to add?

Thank you for your help!

  1. Definitely cover how STI testing works, that condoms don’t protect against everything, and that oral sex still has the risk of STI transmission. Too many people don’t understand how any of that works.

    Also make an effort to teach them that testing negative for STIs shouldn’t be referred to as “clean” because that insinuates that anyone who tested positive for anything is somehow “dirty.” Getting an STI does not make you less than anyone else, and it shouldn’t carry such a deep stigma. More sex education in this direction can hopefully start to help reduce the stigma going forward.

  2. The kind of sex ed that needs to be taught could never be taught in schools. But something that could be taught that I wish I knew at that age was about positive consent.

    When I was in school, consent was taught in 3 words, “no means no”. Sure, that’s true. But there was no thought given to the blurry area between yes and no. Should I keep going if she/he/they stop kissing me back and avoids eye contact? When she/he/they do this or that, do I stop and ask if they are OK? Will asking for consent ruin the mood? Things like that.

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