Anything to improve, such as prompt review would be great thank you! I guess main q is whether pics, order of pics are appropriate and if prompts come off as desperate (not what im trying to go for)

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  2. Damn you look good. I think your main pic should showcase your athletic body. You don’t have to be shirtless, but maybe something with your arms out would be nice

  3. Looks good. Just seems a bit thirsty for a relationship. I’d tone it down a bit but it also sounds like that’s what you are looking for

  4. You are really cute! You definitely look like an extremely active person… Maybe upload a new profile picture with a shaven face?

  5. This is a fantastic profile! I think your prompt responses and photos are basically perfect.

  6. Don’t like the first photo (I personally despise selfies but I know that’s just me) nor the group photo (also really hate group photos but at least you pointed out who you are…I can’t stand when I have to figure that out myself)

    For the group one I don’t think it’d be bad to zoom in on yourself as long as the image still has solid resolution. But other than those two photos I think it’s a strong profile

    edit: oh and the comma misuse in the YouTube cooking video bothers me a little lol

  7. I have nothing to offer for a dating profile review but would you mind sharing your shoulders and back lifting routine? Damn dude, I’m jealous

  8. put that smiling photo as your first photo! would make a great first impression

  9. That look in the pic holding the can is awesome sauce over perfection pasta

  10. Take out the 1st photo, use the dresses up glass and smile one.
    My guy is Asian as well and jacked!!

    If you have trouble finding GF at 31y old, I guess I will just quit dating all together.

  11. your profile is great. your profile and photos look like a guy I’ve matched with in the past but just never chatted with because i got too busy. i work too much. 😂

  12. The lineup wedding photo doesn’t really do you any good since it’s a bit far away and a majority of the photo is a bunch of other people just standing in a line so that doesn’t really say much about you.

    The ones of your face are good and I don’t think you need to change those. You can cycle which ones are your primary photo and see if that changes your response rate.

    The shirtless from behind is well done. Dudes just standing in front of a mirror flexing are pretty boring but the one you did showed your love of the outdoors with a sneak peek of low body fat and muscle. That should go over much better.

    What are you finding to be the problem when it comes to matches? Do you think your photos are the reason why you aren’t getting the responses you want?

  13. A lot of the advice I’ve gotten as a fellow active person, is that tons of women are going to be intimidated by such an active person because they can’t keep up or match your lifestyle. Even the most active women (which I assume you’re trying to attract) still want downtime.

    Try to incorporate a way to show that you also enjoy lazy days into your profile somehow and aren’t just going 24/7.

    I have a picture of me playing Billiards 🎱 and also a short video of me casually mowing the lawn haha.

  14. I have family that lives in Seattle – when I visit, I will absolutely make sure to keep swiping until I come across you. You look and seem great. I would totally swipe right.

  15. I don’t think you should link your Instagram. I think there should be more mystery. By the first date, the girl will have your whole social background and anything else she can google.

  16. You are super cute and your prompts are good. I’d suggest reordering the pics so the bridge pic of you with a camera is right above your prompt about planning your travel based on pics.

    Also, if photography is a hobby you may want to spice up that comment with an example of how you planned a trip to catch a botanical garden at Golden hour or whatever you did.

  17. I’d delete the one with your friends, too many it’s distracting and doesn’t say much! and perhaps the first pic isn’t great, look for one with better lighting and better definition.. It can be a selfie, just better light/perhaps shave?

    You look really cute on the one where you’re dressed up. Your profile is good and you seem really fun/smart.

  18. “being able to openly communicate with specificity” feels pedantic to me. Like I should expect a lecture. I would recommend replacing.

    Everything else looks great! With the over-saturation of meathead tech bros out there, your profile should be a breath of fresh air. 🙂

  19. Female here who is one of the pickiest people (a title bestowed upon me by friends and family alike) when it comes to profiles. Here is my 2 cents:

    Pic 1- I would say this is not your strongest pic so I would not lead with it. If I had
    To choose your top pic, I would go with the one of you laughing with the glasses. You come
    Across as cute and silly which are great qualities.

    2. Green flags section:
    -“openly communicate with specificity” – seems a bit redundant as open communication generally encompasses that? I would get a bit more clear about what
    You’re wanting to accomplish with this

    -“upfront expectations”- I tend to steer clear of these profiles that list stuff like this as it always
    Makes me think “gee they are going to go hard and fast with pushing for a commitment and I want things to just flow naturally so I can ensure we are a good match first”.
    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this if that is what you want, but if that’s not what you meant, I’d possibly consider rewording this to explain you value honesty and conversations that flow naturally.

    That being said, 2 different green flags around communication also seems a bit redundant? Sometimes it’s good to balance out serious answers with an oddball one. I use the same prompt in my profile and my final green flag is a joke about cheese (I seem to get a lot of comments on this section as a result)

    3. Bridge pic -love. Beautiful composition and shows off (what I assume is) a passion of yours

    4. Group pic – this seems like a bit of wasted space. I strongly support having at least a candid photo or 2 of you with friends (profiles with only selfies give me “serial killer”vibes).. do you perhaps have any other candid group pics with friends that would better show you off? Perhaps one of you all laughing or out for a drink
    or doing something silly together?

    5. This is my year for-
    “Planning trips around what photos I can get” reads a little bit like you only want to travel for the ‘gram which might raise a few eyebrows. I would possibly reword this.. also if you have any locations already in mind maybe work that in too.. gives more jumping off points for convos with potential matches

    6. Shirtless pic – actually well done. This is the only non-cringe way to do this . Those shirtless gym mirror selfies tend to reek of desperation. This one is *chef’s kiss* as it looks like you don’t even know the photo is being taken

    Overall: you have a good base profile. A few tweaks could make it stronger, but I don’t anticipate you having much trouble finding a good match as is. It just might be a summer lull at the moment.

  20. I love the sentiment of your “I’m looking for “ prompt but the wording is a little awkward. I don’t know if “run around with me” would be better?

    But overall, awesome. I would swipe on you so hard if I weren’t potentially your attending. 😂

  21. You look so good! Maybe a selfie is less flattering as an opening photo especially when youre handsome.

  22. It looks great! Being a doctor and also having dated one, the only thing i thought of is which residency, how busy you are and how you’d make time for a relationship. But on a surface level, it looks good. Not sure if the wedding picture adds much though. The green flag prompt is ok but could be better; the upfront expectations will come naturally for a person who can communicate properly, making it redundant with point one.

  23. Damn that’s a strong profile.
    I know nothing about dating profiles though.. lol

  24. I love your write-ups! Especially the ‘upfront with expectations’ piece. I’m always trying to find ways to be like.. “I both want and can handle your honesty, please name your feelings and needs” without being cringy lol. I think wedding photo could be replaced with a more intimate friend group / closer shot? But the arrow did give me a chuckle so that is a win. Anyway I would def swipe right on this profile! Good luck out there 🙂

  25. Switch the first selfienout for one of the other two. First pic is what’s gonna grab attention and determine if they continue looking or just swipe immediately and the first selfie is not your best photo.

  26. Honestly, your profile looks great! I would change the order of your pictures though. The smiling one where you are looking off camera, should be first. Just swap them.

    If I would have been single and living near you, yours is the perfect example of a profile I would swipe right on. Your profile says: Hey, I am *insert name*. I look like a fun, dorky, have my shit together and know what I want, kind of guy.

    Edit: when I say dorky, I mean silly goofy. No negative intent behind it. My apologies for any offense.

  27. I’d say OP’s profile is really basic and generic. I wouldn’t swipe on it just bc of that. Every other guy that’s in their 20s or early 30s likes to travel and is into pictures and fitness. Think about the woman you’d want to attract and what qualities you have that would attract her, and then try to highlight those in your profile. From your profile as it is currently, you’d get overlooked by anyone that’s more attractive than you bc there’s nothing unique about your profile.

  28. I suggest using the third pic as the first pic, the smile is more inviting! Great profile!

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