Sometimes the reason is my lack of information, so I find my answer does not provide anything useful (although I read about different information, but when I enter into a discussion, I do not remember anything I read) . Other times it is that I can’t tell my information well. Often the person I’m talking to can’t understand what I’m saying.
I always avoid commenting or answering because it is because I feel that I will regret what I said (whether the talk itself or the way I said it) which it always happens.
So how do I increase my knowledge about different topics in a way that I can remember them? And how to arrange my words and develop my speech to be understandable .
Another thing I find is that people close to me often tell me that I speak with irritability and tension and nervousness, This leads to a misunderstanding ،even though I think that I am speaking normally . How can I be more aware of the way I speak and be natural and sober without any irritability and tension?

  1. You’re an asshole, you consider it too much effort to speak SIMPLY like a NORMAL PERSON. Normal person don’t read books, they don’t listen to sermons, they WORK IN THE FUCKING FIELD, so that free loaders like you can HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT, dummy. So, get down from your cloud, and speak like they speak. They take great care to all speak the same way, so everyone can understand everyone else, it’s just pragmatism, staying alive. Intellect is cool & good but doesn’t really help anyone stay alive. With your nervous displays you are only hurting yourself!!! No one else is affected, they don’t possess the brain cells needed to parse it, even if they did, they’d quickly see through such obvious manipulation attempts and ignore them just to spite you, like you are trying to spit them. You are trying to hold them hostage, you threaten to annoy them until they give you what you want. What it is that you want? How about you work on formulating what exactly it is that you want. Then just maybe, someone will give it to you!!! But you have to explain what it is that you want.

  2. I would start by asking more questions to whomever you’re talking with. It’s okay to call yourself out and say things like, “I don’t know much about that, could you explain further?” Or start a thought with, “not sure if this will come out right, but here’s what I think.”

    I have a resting, monotone voice that comes off as bitchy, so I’ve learned that for me, calling that out before I get to talking can smooth over any potential misunderstanding about my infliction.

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