I see people staring at me all of the time, usually with a blank face and it makes me really self conscious, when I look at them they either look away or keep looking.
I have a pic of my on my profile, I’m 5”10 20F.
Does anyone know why? If you were staring why would it be?

  1. Omg! I don’t know why but this same thing happens to me. It makes me very self conscious and it even makes me wonder “is there a video of me somewhere I don’t know about” I’m a very paranoid over thinker. This drives me crazy! I get stares from everyone! I have no idea why 😥😥😥

  2. You have conventionally attractive features and are tall for women’s standards, people tend to look at conventionally attractive people (not just women, men and enbys too) and taller people when they zone out. Definitely some might be creeps if they continue to stare you down after making eye contact, but most are probably just zoned out and thinking of something else (especially if it’s happening on public transport or somewhere else where there is a lot of waiting).

    The looking away is probably because they didn’t realize they were staring and when you look at them they think “oh shit was I staring and being creepy? Quick look away to not seem creepy”.

  3. it’s because you’re good looking! I’m 17m, recently lost a bunch of weight and got into shape and I get looks all the damn time. I was really confused at first but then as I got more social I’ve had people tell me that I’m the hottest guy they’ve ever seen (probably exaggerating). but anyways next time you catch someone you’re into looking at you, just keep eye contact and smile a little bit. a smile is the perfect ice breaker if someone is thinking about approaching you but don’t be bummed when not everyone you smile at talks to you.

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