FYI, this is my first relationship and very sorry for all the typos. Hope it makes sense. 🙂

I (Teen F) have been dating this (Teen M) since a few weeks. We ended up spending a lot of time together and I really had fun. However, I’m not sure I really see him as a lover but rather a friend.

As this is my first relationship, I’ve never had s3x or a first kiss. Hes a very respectful person and he always asked before touching/kissing me. I’ve given consent to touching (holding hands, hugging) but when I think about kissing him, I just can’t see it. It doesn’t feel right. I feel like I enjoy the feeling of being close and intimate rather than having an attraction to him.

All his friends know about me and im not sure how I feel about that. At first, I liked being seen as his girlfriend but now I’m not sure if I want everyone that knows me to know that. As he’s very accomplished and not me, I feel like I’m being labeled as “his gf” rather than being my own person.

Honestly tho, I feel like being with him is helping me explore and grow. In our few weeks of dating, he’s really helped me fix some of my issues like my sleep schedule. As he’s slightly older, he’s also giving me help for my finals. We also had great times going out on dates together.

I’m not sure how to address this, because on one hand, he’s a great guy and I really enjoy spending time with him. Its helping me involve a lot. On the other, I think I just feel a slight emotional bound with him and not a romantic/sexual one. I’m really not sure and that might change.

How should I be adressing this? If you read this far, thanks a lot 🙂

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