my boyfriend wants to know when someone gives me compliments or flirts with me? isn’t telling and sharing everything with the boyfriend egoistic?
I want to hear all your thoughts

of course, I tell if it’s funny story or if I am disturbed by some guys

  1. I would find it interesting from a “scientific” point of view. Because it would tell me something about how men think and act.

  2. I don’t know. You’re a woman. Chances are you get flirted with on the daily. I don’t need to know some whatever said you look great or have nice tits or a good ass, I already know these things. So do you. Ignore and move on.

  3. No. I only want to know if it came from someone we both know or someone she’s going to have to encounter on a regular basis so I can know who the scumbags are that don’t respect our relationship. Otherwise no, unless it was inappropriate and upsetting and she needs to vent.

    I trust that she’s entirely willing and able to handle anything else on her own.

  4. I’m curious so we can make fun of their bad attempts.

    Dudes hitting on my gf through messages are all pathetic, it’s all over her profile that she’s in a relationship yet they go with “hey beautiful” or “are you married?”

    There are some really weird guys too, on the topic of compliments. One guy called her a goddess, his divine inspiration. Totally out of the blue. We laughed for a week, and if she’s sad i still sometimes use that guy’s lines to make her laugh.

  5. Sounds like he’s got some serious insecurities he needs to address. I know because I used to be that same way almost 20 years ago and it does not make a healthy relationship. And it will only be a matter of time before he starts thinks you’re doing something to cause it, or that you’ve started flirting back.

  6. The compliments I wouldn’t really care about, you’re a woman you are bound to get compliments from guys what gives lol. But flirting is something else

  7. I mean I already know how different the world looks for women when it comes to that, I’d rather not be reminded of what we’ll never have honestly

  8. Ask if he wants it in a spreadsheet as a weekly digest, or real time updates via phone calls. Either way throw in a few extra for good measure 😉

  9. If its funny thats one thing but wanting to know every time a guy gives you a compliment? Super insecure

  10. No and just by what you say that’s a BIG red flag because it’s a sign that he’s most likely going to start to act jealous and controlling.🤷🏻‍♂️

  11. I don’t want to know about them, we should both acknowledge they exist though.

    In your case he’s asking, i would share but be aware he likely doesn’t actually want to know, he just thinks he does.

  12. No, but mainly because I work in nightclubs and I’m damn sure not going to tell my GF how many times women flirt with me.

  13. I’d like to know if it is someone I know. Just so I’m not buying them beers or helping them move or something.

  14. If my wife wanted to share, and she sometimes does, I don’t mind. My wife is very pretty by my and conventional standards, so she’s bound to get compliments. I don’t get off knowing other guys are into her. I’m just realistic. We share a lot, but I don’t outright ask.

  15. No. She’s an adult. If there’s an issue she needs help with she knows where I’m at.

  16. Women get hit on every day, If it’s a persistent problem or you were actually encouraging it, then yes I would like to know. Only so I can either handle it or MoveOn

  17. Personally it doesn’t matter. My gf shuts guys down fast and hard if they get inappropriate. If they push a boundary then she will have me intercede.

    Basically people flirt. Your not going to control how other acts. What does matter is how your partner reacts. And the issue is most women respond in kind. If someone flirts they tend to flirt back which can send the wrong message. They love the attention.

  18. Your dude sounds like he has ambivalent insecure attachment. Might want to read about it.

  19. No, if you’re with an attractive woman, you need to accept that she is going to get compliments and there’s nothing you can do to control it (without looking jealous and insecure, and turning her off).

    I take pride in the fact that my GF gets lots of compliments and it draws her closer to me when she knows that I fully trust her and don’t need to have constant conversations about it, or check her phone/social media.

  20. I don’t want to know everything, but if it’s someone that she consistently interacts with I’d at least like to be aware. I don’t want to be in a situation where someone has been hitting on her for months and I’m finding out after it’s been going on for awhile. That feels like a breach of trust.

  21. Nah. My girlfriend gets complimented a fair amount and to be honest i dont care, compliments are what they are. What i do care about is when its people she knows and interacts with regularly making inappropriate comments and she engages with it… thats happened a fair amount lately, but lets not get into that…

  22. God, no. That points to massive insecurity on his part. I don’t care who compliments her and what it’s about. She’s coming home to me so it’s not concerning

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