Just curious to hear your story, I know it happens. How long were you hooking up for? Who started the convo about wanting more than just hooking up? When did you realize you even wanted more than just hooking up?

  1. Each situation is different, and there are exceptions, but generally, men aren’t interested long term in women that will hook up without being in a relationship.

  2. My roommate had a FWB relationship with a co-worker at a swim center. They started doing more relationshippy things but they agreed on not dating. After like a month, he felt ill on lifeguard stand and asked her to take stand for him. After a while he still wasn’t back so she checked on him. He was passed out on the ground. Basically she saved his life, and when he woke up, she was like overwhelmed with emotion and told him that she would be happy to exclusively be with him. He thought about it and a few days later they were dating.

  3. (my friend’s story shared with his permission)

    Male friend has childhood female friend. Childhood female friend moves away but they keep in touch. Childhood female friend introduces male friend to her friends when they are adults.

    One of these friends, and my male friend, grew to resent the childhood female friend, and cut her off, blocked her on everything. These two had been hanging out with the childhood female friend, and then 1-1, for a while.

    This friend was a huge tinder girl. Probably 30-40 body count, so she was super used to random sex with people.

    After a year of hanging out 1-1 at places, I guess they hook up one day. Almost instantly after, maybe just 3 months or less, they are bf and gf. They’ve been together for 2.5 years.

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