Short summary of events from yesterday.
Was taking off a c\*ckring before my d\*ck was completely soft. Was strugling a bit and pulling and felt like a sharp ” pull” on my right ball. Like idk, the little chord or muscle or ligament inside the sack connecting the ball to the… pelvic erea or whathever. It pas a sharp very short pain but not severe like f.e. getting kicked in the balls. Have had no swelling, discoloration or real pain but I could feel it was a little bit idk. Sore or sensitive. Not the testicle but more like the little muscle or ligament or tube or whatever. Today 24h after. Still nothing severe but definatly some notivable soreness at the ligament thing. Have I like… pulled a muscle of my teste or should I be worried something actually snapped/ broke/ got detached ?

  1. Look up Epididymitis. I got this from having some gnarly sex and masturbating for wife hard 2-3x a day for a couple weeks strait. Felt like blue balls almost but from busting too many nuts lol my right nut did get larger than the other one but lucky for me it has all gone back to normal. I was freaking out for a bit.

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