TL: DR \~ My friend is being toxic but I’m happy when I’m with her, should I end the friendship.

FLAIR: Non-romantic

I (14NB) am friends with someone who we will call Alice (14f) (that’s not her name for her safety) Recently she has been really toxic and hanging out with seemingly everyone but me. Now, of course, she can have her own friends but we used to hang out all the time and it feels like she’s abandoning me. She hangs out with a bunch of toxic people who even she thinks are assholes but we’ve been friends since kindergarten (8 years now) and I feel happy when I’m around her. The only problem is I’m barely around her. She uses me as an excuse to go make out with boys telling her parents that we are going to hang out and I would be okay with that but she asks me to hang out and then once we are there tells me she’s going to go make out with someone. She’s always trauma dumping and venting with NO warning with no regard to how it affects me. Our friendship feels suffocating. She even insisted on asking why I canceled when I said it was personal (funeral) and then told me I was being selfish for not telling her. so my question is, should I keep being friends with her? or do I need to cut ties.

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