I am falling big time for this girl. And we laugh and talk a lot irl. But i dont know what to say via text. My life is boring. I dont do any sports. Dont have many friends. I dont go to events or parties. Theres nothing I can talk about. I dont know how to get someones attention or start a conversation.

  1. You are going into the conversation with the mindset that you need to meet some minimum standard. Think of everyone in your life – your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, your favourite teachers, your pets and anyone whose ever loved you or maybe you feel special. Somehow, in thinking of them, you feel like you’ve already met that certain minimum to be respected when you get into the conversation and it makes you very charismatic. Always remind yourself that this is an equal conversation.

  2. If you don’t have anything interesting to talk about, the solution is to do more things that are interesting. If you and your life are boring, be more exciting. Relying on other people to make your life interesting is a recipe for disaster, and your instinct that people might reject you over it is right; plenty of them will.

    Here’s a thing you can try. Imagine an exciting but at least mostly realistic life you could have (no being a jedi or whatever). It doesn’t have to fit into your current routine, but try to keep it possible for you as a person sometime in your future. Write it down, that helps. Now think about, and also write down, what kind of process you’d have to go through to have that exciting life. You don’t have to figure it out perfectly. Your roadmap can be shitty and unsure. But the exercise of doing it really helps you take a second look at your life and maybe find some things you could tweak for long-term improvement.

    Then take your mediocre plan and implement it. Don’t be radical or anything, like quitting your job suddenly, unless you’re really confident in your plan (or your safety net). But try to work the ideas you came up with into your life. You won’t be the *Dos Equis* man overnight, and some of the ideas might fail, but the whole point is to be trying stuff, so you’re not just accepting your current routine forever. Only stagnate if it’s literally your dream life already. And in the attempt you’ll probably learn some things on how to make your plan better, or might dream up some new better features for your ideal situation, so you can revise the script as you go.

    If you want to get a girl, the best way is to run past her on the road to an exciting life, and to invite her to join, if she can keep up. Sensible people can sense whether your success and happiness is contingent upon them, and if it is, it grosses them out. You want her to get the impression that you’re gonna be having an excellent time doing whatever you’re doing, whether she is there or not.

  3. Let me just say this. If you want to talk to your friend when you’re bored, and you do it often, they too will consider you too boring to talk with. Go out and do new things. After a while of texting someone that you’re bored af, they will begging suggesting things for you to do. Makeyour life exciting before you think that someone else will.

  4. What really matters is how you say something. The most exciting event will seem really boring if you describe it in a boring way, and vice versa.

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