
Me and my wife welcomed our baby 5 months ago. When she was pregnant we still had some sex until it was too uncomfortable for her. After that some handjobs and blowjobs has happened, but nothing too crazy.

We have tried to have sex but apparently it is still too uncomfortable and painful for her.

Is there something I could do to make her way back to enjoying sex again.

We never used any toys before, was thinking maybe introducing something smaller than my penis to work her way there?

What has been your experiences? I’m sure we are not first ones to struggle with it.

  1. May I ask how the birth was? Did she have stitches? Is having a actual PIV is painful?

    Is that so, maybe you could schedule her a appointement with a pelvic health physician.

    She might have some internal scars that heal badly or some thorn ligaments that are now stiff and make any insertion painful

  2. Take your time, be patient, have fun with what you can do. We had the same ‘problem’ with our first child, taking care for it and the stress that comes with it made our sexlife halt as well. But we got back to it ‘naturally’. After the second one (relatively ‘easy’ birth) we had no problems at all.
    Tl;Dr: Take your time

  3. My wife had a hard time getting back to routine. Suggest lots of foreplay; lots of lube.

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