what is the most amount of money you are comfortable lending?

  1. Iam not. Family thinks they dont have to pay it back or make you their last priority. And it ruins friendships..

  2. You dont lend, you give (people rarely pay back)

    It depends on how close you are with the person

  3. Not more than 100bucks… if it’s a situation where it’s more than that and it’s a “pay you back on payday” thing, then I know there’s a good chance I’m not a priority in relation to other outgoings and Im very possibly going to be told a story come payback time. Parents have never asked, so if they did, I know they’d be in a real bind, so it’d either be a gift or “whenever you can”

  4. $0

    I don’t lend money. If a friend needs money, I give it. I don’t want the lender/debtor relationship to be something that I have with a friend or family member.

  5. I would say its far more down to the situation a hundred bucks at a bar to a friend who forgot his wallet, no problem.

    Money to someone with a situation that I’m not part of I would never be comfortable with it. Basically anything outside i have the money just not right here, I would be very uncomfortable.

  6. I don not lend money ever. I’ll give it away, but I will never make arrangements for repayment.

  7. Zero. I just wouldn’t lend anyone money.
    If someone close to me were in a bind, I’d help in another way, but I don’t lend money. I may give a one time gift, or offer to buy food, pay a heating bill, baby food, or whatever else, but I won’t lend money.

  8. The most I’ve ever lent was a few thousand dollars.. and, I got it back. It all depends who you lend it to.

  9. I’ve loaned a buddy like 50 bux…I don’t know if he ever paid me back, but that’s about my limit

  10. Depends on who I’m lending it to. If I think I’ll never see it again I would say $500. Few grand in I know I’ll see it again.

  11. It depends on how much I trust the person I’m lending to but it wouldn’t be more than $1000

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